why was my thread closed?

you do realize that there is a fine line in smoking and possessing marijuana as well, right? there is still a federal law that states that no one may posses or use marijuana.

Mygirls should just shut down the entire Oregon section. Because due to federal law this talk is illegal.

BTW, it's obvious that Oregon law states that a grower may be reimbursed for certain costly items. It's just plain and simple written into the law. Many Co-Ops "Dispensaries" don't do hand to hand money exchanges because no one in their right mind thinks that an oz costs $300-$400, so in that situation it may be a little more grey.

But again Mygirls, you have abused your Mod powers here one too many times for reasons you just magically put in your mind.

Stop being a dick, just because you are wrong.

if i am so wrong then why is there not more dispensaries opened up here. and why did RIU take down that thread.. and if i were abusing my mod powers i would like to think RIU would PM me with his thought over this..
no you guy need to now the law. just because state say feds still rule.. and if the sales of marijuana was legal or your so called reimbursement for your grow was legal don't you think RIU would be ok with thread for sales or trades..

Last I checked possession and growing and selling of cannabis is all against federal law...
So like 90% of all the threads need to be taken down...
Then what's the point of RIU?
its all illegal the sale of marijuana. what part of that don't you understand
its gone because RIU got rid of it because um i wonder why..
and i am pretty sure it was my own thread i started and shut down do to the arguing

Well from your grasp of the English language I understand why you would also have issue with reading comprehension. The discussion is not about selling meds outright it is about reimbursement between a patient, and a grower. Like Uncle Buck pointed out with his post copied directly from the state of Oregon's website. This is perfectly within the law. If you are not sure about the meaning of a post than it is best to error on the side of caution, and let it be, or I will be glad to translate questionable posts as to their meaning if you wish, all you need to do is ask. As far as RIU is concerned they do not allow the sale, or trade of meds here because that is not between patient, and grower. There is a difference. I will sell you a clue for 200.
Last I checked possession and growing and selling of cannabis is all against federal law...
So like 90% of all the threads need to be taken down...
Then what's the point of RIU?

yes and there is also a check box when you register stating you comply with your state laws, if you're gonna take down bucks thread you'll need to take down several thousand others or just go ahead with your double standards.
Well from your grasp of the English language I understand why you would also have issue with reading comprehension. The discussion is not about selling meds outright it is about reimbursement between a patient, and a grower. Like Uncle Buck pointed out with his post copied directly from the state of Oregon's website. This is perfectly within the law. If you are not sure about the meaning of a post than it is best to error on the side of caution, and let it be, or I will be glad to translate questionable posts as to their meaning if you wish, all you need to do is ask. As far as RIU is concerned they do not allow the sale, or trade of meds here because that is not between patient, and grower. There is a difference. I will sell you a clue for 200.

lets see reimbursement, donations, is sales i really don't care about state laws, i know what state law says, its the feds i worry about.. we that partake in the ommp program do understand that the feds can come threw our doors at any time and shackle us up. but we do this any way. but the one thing i am againt tis the sales of our meds and that reason is its going to get the program taken away.. and you guys just don't seem to care.
Are you serious? Not only is the discussion the members are wanting to explore valid, but it's an extremely important issue. I think the key words in your posts have been "I don't care". As in I don't care what you say or how right you are, my opinion won't change. That's really too bad since you seem intelligent and could probably offer much to the dialogue.
lets see reimbursement, donations, is sales i really don't care about state laws, i know what state law says, its the feds i worry about.. we that partake in the ommp program do understand that the feds can come threw our doors at any time and shackle us up. but we do this any way. but the one thing i am againt tis the sales of our meds and that reason is its going to get the program taken away.. and you guys just don't seem to care.

Get over yourself, if what you are saying is something you truly believe in than you better stop growing for yourself than. Since the Federal Government prohibits, growing, possession of Marijuana PERIOD than you are indeed breaking Federal LAW as we speak. YOU SIR ARE A HYPOCRITE, and you cannot pick and choose what law you will obey, and not obey, and than turn around and chastise others for breaking the same said law. You are growing, smoking, and possessing, and are breaking Federal LAW. Until you cut down those plants and get rid of all your stuff STFU.
yes and there is also a check box when you register stating you comply with your state laws, if you're gonna take down bucks thread you'll need to take down several thousand others or just go ahead with your double standards.

Maybe I should delete his grow thread as it is condoning the breaking of Federal Law.
i have sat an watched this for a while and originallly wasnt going to get involved. but enough is enough and i feel since i am 100% certain i understand the laws i should help clarify

A. the feds have alot more to worry about, they dont have unlimited resources and i can absolutly guarantee you we will not have our MMJ laws taken away anytime soon. that is paranoid nonesense. the movement has become way to big and they do not have to power to shut everyone down, and they are starting to loose the political will. they will ONLY go after people who are in violation of state law.

B. You are correct about sales being illegal. and most dispensaries are operating in a grey area (grey does NOT mean illegal). but it IS perfectly legal to accept re-imbursment for the cost of growing as pursuant to 475.304 (7) . The part that forbids sales says you cannot exchange cannabis for consideration, in order to met the legal definition of consideration you have to either require payment, or pre-agree to payment. But if you are donating meds to a patient, and they voluntarily decide to donate some money to help pay for your growing costs, that is perfectly legal under Oregon law. and to say no its not because the feds say so is absurd. by the feds standards EVERYTHING MMJ related is illegal. so it is a moot point. you are in just as much violation of federal law as someone who is "selling"

C. If someone is growing 10 LB's than they are not only violating federal law, they are violating state law. each patient can only posses 1.5lbs of cannabis, and no grower can be growing for more than 4 patients, 1.5X4= 6lbs. Unless of course your registered grow site is a Collective grow with multiple growers.

i would recommend not getting you legal advice from voter power, and actually read the laws, and related court cases yourself. if you cannot understand them, find a lawyer to talk to.
dont be fearfull of losing what you voted for feel empowered to make it more accessable for those who need it.

thats why i give my exes away to other ommp indoor grower, not sell or ask 4 reimbursements.i know what it cost to grow very good quality meds for just a couple hundred buck.. tell me why does one need to recoup that cost, that is not nothing.
we all that are in the ommp program know this and are doing so illegally under fed law including yourself, so go ahead and close my thread down,
thats why i give my exes away to other ommp indoor grower, not sell or ask 4 reimbursements.i know what it cost to grow very good quality meds for just a couple hundred buck.. tell me why does one need to recoup that cost, that is not nothing.
what about the ones who cannot grow for whatever reason?
thats why i give my exes away to other ommp indoor grower, not sell or ask 4 reimbursements.i know what it cost to grow very good quality meds for just a couple hundred buck.. tell me why does one need to recoup that cost, that is not nothing.

You are still breaking federal law by growing it in the first place. As for everyone else not growing on the same budget, not everyone has a greenhouse made out of sticks found on the ground. Some people grow indoors where they PAY for lights, electricity etc...
Again get over yourself, and think before you post. You come across like someone with their head up their ass, and just talking to hear themselves talk.
i have sat an watched this for a while and originallly wasnt going to get involved. but enough is enough and i feel since i am 100% certain i understand the laws i should help clarify

A. the feds have alot more to worry about, they dont have unlimited resources and i can absolutly guarantee you we will not have our MMJ laws taken away anytime soon. that is paranoid nonesense. the movement has become way to big and they do not have to power to shut everyone down, and they are starting to loose the political will. they will ONLY go after people who are in violation of state law.

B. You are correct about sales being illegal. and most dispensaries are operating in a grey area (grey does NOT mean illegal). but it IS perfectly legal to accept re-imbursment for the cost of growing as pursuant to 475.304 (7) . The part that forbids sales says you cannot exchange cannabis for consideration, in order to met the legal definition of consideration you have to either require payment, or pre-agree to payment. But if you are donating meds to a patient, and they voluntarily decide to donate some money to help pay for your growing costs, that is perfectly legal under Oregon law. and to say no its not because the feds say so is absurd. by the feds standards EVERYTHING MMJ related is illegal. so it is a moot point. you are in just as much violation of federal law as someone who is "selling"

C. If it is true you are growing 10 LB's than you are not only violating federal law, you are violating state law. each patient can only posses 1.5lbs of cannabis, and no grower can be growing for more than 4 patients, 1.5X4= 6lbs. Unless of course your registered grow site is a Collective grow with multiple growers. but some prosecutors consider that a grey area too

i would recommend not getting you legal advice from voter power, and actually read the laws, and related court cases yourself. if you cannot understand them, find a lawyer to talk to.

i only have 1 1/2 lbs on hand at one time. the rest stays on the bush tell i get to the next patient.
we all that are in the ommp program know this and are doing so illegally under fed law including yourself, so go ahead and close my thread down,

I will not do that, as there is no just reason to do it other than spite. I'm not in high school anymore thus I will not take that action. I made the post to prove a point. Obviously it went above your head.
i only have 1 1/2 lbs on hand at one time. the rest stays on the bush tell i get to the next patient.

Oh so you are circumventing state law, and outright breaking federal law. If we lose our rights to OMMP I am going to blame it on you for circumventing state law to suit your needs.