i dont know how it goes in leprechaunland but here in the USofA politics is a bloodsport.
barack obama has so infuriated me with his lies deceptions and overall incompetence (eric holder still has a job, sotamayor on the supreme court, lyons at the DEA etc) his overbearing and superior attitude towards the people he supposedly works for, his pedantic and high handed comments which are just fucking retardedly wrong (supreme court would be "unprecedented" if they overturned a law, really? thats some constitutional scholar) that i would sacrifice a lot to ensure he doesnt get another 4 years to fuck me and the country.
the left meanwhile has painted mitt romney as some sort of circus sideshow freak (which is not true) and charaterized him as a loony thieving greedy mister monopoly, basically scrooge mcduck with a wacky cult giving him his marching orders. the end result is the left is as opposed to mitt (as they were against bush jr who in my opinion was also lackluster but infinitely superior to gore, or kerry) that they are unwillling to cast a vote for a dark horse candidate.
the two party system has created a program by which one of them always wins, and as a result their financiers (mostly goldman sachs, lehman brothers, and other big investement and capital companies) win either way.
the risk of voting for gary johnson is that if too many people vote johnson instead of romney (or ron paul, or some other no-chance charlie) they will undermine the chances of their lesser of two major evils allowing the greater evil (obama or romney respectively) to win by default.
in the past there have been a few successful (for losers) third party candidates, but it has invariably resulted in rage disappointment and regrets among the losing major candidate's people.
Theodore Roosevelt's third party third term bid basically split the republican vote, giving woodrow wilson the win, and he signed the federal reserve act which has been porking us up the butt for 100 years now.
Ross Perot handed bill clinton the victory of GHWBush (of course bush helped with his limpwristed governance and retarded gaffes) resulting in a MASSIVE increase in federal spending which consumed far more than the alleged "surplus" provided. which is why despite the reduction in the deficit to (allegedly) positive numbers,, the national debt went higher than ever before.
Ralph Nader even handed GWBush the small margin of electoral votes he needed to win against gore the first go-round.
if choosing a longshot costs you the rest of your wagers the longshot becomes less and less appealing.
i would love to vote gary johnson, but the risk of lketting BHO ooze back under the whitehouse door sickens me.
likewise im sure the left is equally dismayed at the prospect of a romney presidency which is why there is so much hyperbolic language flying around labeling mitt and a mormon-supremecist, detailing all the minutia of mormon beliefs, and ragging on and on about his tax returns and his old lady's enjoyment of dressage. (despite michelle seotoro's extravagant wardrobe and expensive habits which go unremarked by the leftist press except to gush over her latest style choice or her awesome lack of arm-fat)