why would a plant stop growing but not deteriorate. at all


Well-Known Member
i have a plant thats about 3 months old, and it just stopped growing. i figured mabey nutes jacked it, but i dont hardley ever use nutes. all of a sudden it stopped growing. no growth for a month, yet no deterioration either. i transplanted to a larger bucket (3 gallons) then i flushed the shite out of it . any ideas? i have grown other plants using the same soil. same nutes (hardley any at all) and all the others grew fine. this one just stopped. my ph is fine. i do have gnats flying around but they havnt affected any other plants. any ideas? its under a 2 tube 4 ft floro surrounded by 3 100 watt hps lamps suplemented by two more 4 ft floros. plenty of light. i dont get it. ive tried trans to larger bucket and flushed it twice.


Well-Known Member
several ideas:

what strain is it - 3 months may be all the growth you get on some indica strains

how long ago did you repot? - if recently then give it time to recover

was it rootbound when you did it? - if not, then pot size is not your problem


Well-Known Member
its a super skunk plant and it was grown at the same time 4 others were. 3 turned male, one female, one stopped growing. all other plants showed preflowers around 6 weeks, in 24/0 it was rootbound but i put it into a way bigger bucket. this one is 7 inches tall while the others topped 2 feet. i repotted like 2 weeks ago now i have seelings catching up in size. do some plants just shit out on ya?


Well-Known Member
If a grow room is to hot this can cause the plant to stay at the same size.I some times up the temp if i'm growing mother plants and want to keep the height down get temp right and you should see plant start to improve i height if not then its the strain the strain must be a short plant that grows out rather than up.If you have been growing for 3 month and the plant looks heathy take some clones and get them trough veg then bud them ..belive me i would love a small plant with plenty of close internodes i would keep her for has long has possible.The shorter the plant the less room it will take up.


Well-Known Member
im not worried about room. it was grown at the same time as 4 others of the same type.(super skunk) all the others took off fine. 3 males , one female. im pissed about that. but this one just stopped growing. i mean no more leafs no more nodes. nada nothing . zero. hers some pics of it. i just dont get it. the last piture is of one grown at the same time in the same spot. with the same materials. any ideas? i know its not looking too healthy



Well-Known Member
my best guess is you have a root problem. i thought i saw some roots along the surface of the soil. poorly mixed soil, insufficient perlite, compacted soil - something like that. if so, the plant's screwed but you've learned something. let all of your plants finish then compare the roots of the small one to the larger ones.


Active Member
I think it has to be a heat problem. The same thing happened to me and i also thought it was my small pots. i transplanted them into 3 gallons and theres was still no sign of growth. Then i checked the temp and it was around 85 degrees i dropped the temp to 75 degrees and it started growing again. It might be the same problem your having


Well-Known Member
the leaves have taken on a leathery 85 year old smokers look. they are shiney but not in a good way. as far as heat goes. i have more of an issue of keeping it warm enough. i havnt actually looked at temp.(i know i should) im gonna get a thermo today. but im sure its not heat. in the day i have a heater/fan that keeps the room about 75-80 f then at night i move the heater over into another closet i use just for the dark 12 of flowering. the grow dropps to probably 65 f then in the morn i put the fan/heater back in the grow and it jumps back to about 75-80 f the hps lamps are enough that it wont drop below 55 in the grow so i know its not heat or cold. ive grown about 5 plants through flower to harvest and now another 6 or 7 vegging now. so ive been in the same spot for about a year. all others were fine....i flushed and transplanted to 3 gallons. mabey the gnatts i had an issue with destroyed the roots. but if so then why 3 months later has the plant not gone up and not gone down


Well-Known Member
thanks man, but i have flushed twice and transplanted, still not much of a change. i did decide to just try and flower it, and when i went down yesteday the plants looked as though it started growing again. the leafs are reaching toward the light again. thats good right?


Well-Known Member
yes, they stretch the first three weeks of flowering. maybe they just needed to flower.hopefully she will flower nicely. just keep the same nute sched as veg until the 3rd week or the bud sites have formed nicely and pistols showing like crazy. than you would want to change to bloom nutes


Well-Known Member
its weird because there arnt any signifigant branches growing. i mean theres up to 6 nodes now and its a foot tall mabey a little more it has 6 sets of fan leafs but nothing as far as the branches and the little leafs that grow off the stem. the plant stopped growing for three months it stayed exactly the same. it did not grow but it did not deteriorate. after transplanting from yard dirt to miraclegrow dirt. and also into a larger container which i then proceeded to flush the thing twice in two weeks with no water in between flushings to make sure the rootball was cleaned out. then after another week or so it finally seems to be growing again. its like it was frozen in time. i dont understand how it wouldnt grow, yet it would not die.



Well-Known Member
after transplanting from yard dirt to miraclegrow dirt. and also into a larger container which i then proceeded to flush the thing twice in two weeks with no water in between flushings to make sure the rootball was cleaned out. then after another week or so it finally seems to be growing again. its like it was frozen in time. i dont understand how it wouldnt grow, yet it would not die.
there's your answer...u shocked the shit out of her-mg is absolutely horrible to grow mj in, so she was probably mad pissed at u for that. now that there are nutes in the soil, when u watered her, she again was shocked after the transplant.
like imagine the first time a girl gets a finger in the ass...there is that momentary 'whoa'-:weed: just extended by 3 weeks for the mj girl.