Why you no talk about.....


Well-Known Member
Nice math....all it computed out to is you being an uncultured moron.....Some places it would be a lot more than 2 out of 100 you meet on the street, some it would be none at all...some it would be more than 50.....Sometimes when you are shopping it will depend on what time of month it is.......all depends on where you are, San Jose....enough said.
do you even understand how statistics work, or are you a right winger?



New Member
exceedingly rare...I know you use no math or personal experience to make that statement.....and for all your south hating stereotypes you spew on here I do hope you visit Prichard, AL and stay the weekend....it would be your heaven...I promise you will not hear the word nigger come out of a white mouth, not once; do bring a pocket full of cash....

Lets see so the welfare baby daddy is exceedingly rare according to you because you can't relate to it.....or prolly like most everything else you say on here it's so simply because you typed it......how about a demographic version you may relate to.....I suppose your version would be fifth wheels full of tweekers scattered on every hillside in NorCal....same basic scenario as your typical southern hood rat, not rare at all....do visit the south soon and educate yourself.
Don't mess with UncleBuck.

He comes from the lily white hood in Portland Oregon!


Well-Known Member
do you even understand how statistics work, or are you a right winger?


ooops my fault I fed the TROLL............do tell me how statistics work daddy.....first describe how to use the ignore list here, thanks Mr. uncultured NorCal White Boy, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Don't mess with UncleBuck.

He comes from the lily white hood in Portland Oregon!
I know, he just moved to San Jose so now his soap box was elevated a few inches somehow in his head.....not really a local there but the last time I make that exact point to him he started using San Jose stats as if he's been there all his life.


Well-Known Member
ooops my fault I fed the TROLL............do tell me how statistics work daddy.....first describe how to use the ignore list here, thanks Mr. uncultured NorCal White Boy, thanks.
you're going to put me on ignore because you are too stupid to understand how statistics work?


New Member
I know, he just moved to San Jose so now his soap box was elevated a few inches somehow in his head.....not really a local there but the last time I make that exact point to him he started using San Jose stats as if he's been there all his life.
don't bother showing him the stats, already been done once. buck is dumber than dog shit.


New Member
I know, he just moved to San Jose so now his soap box was elevated a few inches somehow in his head.....not really a local there but the last time I make that exact point to him he started using San Jose stats as if he's been there all his life.
And, he's totally awesome at planning fabricated real life tough guy meetings, were he shows up an hour and a half early and declares default victory when the other guy hasn't showed up yet.


Well-Known Member
And, he's totally awesome at planning fabricated real life tough guy meetings, were he shows up an hour and a half early and declares default victory when the other guy hasn't showed up yet.
hemlock has been on RIU since that day, why not ask him why he was too much of a pussy to show up to his own meeting?


Well-Known Member
just making sure you are as weak of a turd as i gave you credit for being.
you really wouldn't be that bad but your cry baby racism bullshit is so annoying its borderline retarded ironically coming from someone who claims an above average intellect....I will be in san jose soon going to this Elemental Wellness place and check it out really looking forward to that 1% hood rat stat being true........I think any and all responses to you from now on will be that you are a racist.


New Member
you really wouldn't be that bad but your cry baby racism bullshit is so annoying its borderline retarded ironically coming from someone who claims an above average intellect....
twostroke, using a pocket thesaurus and spell check on your computer, is far from being intelligent.


Well-Known Member
1 on this thread. Cannabineer deleted it. It was by big and bushy
Amazing, good memory for a pot head, didn't see that post and it doesn't change a thing; now use ctr+f, go back to page 1 and find the first instance of the word "racist"...of course it will be in Buck's avatar...then in a post he made.

Main point is that shit from other threads spilling over to other non related threads is getting old as fuck on here ESPECIALLY Bucks horseshit......but this is politics so I don't get too butt hurt, even in politics though its pretty annoying.


New Member
Amazing, good memory for a pot head, didn't see that post and it doesn't change a thing; now use ctr+f, go back to page 1 and find the first instance of the word "racist"...of course it will be in Buck's avatar...then in a post he made.

Main point is that shit from other threads spilling over to other non related threads is getting old as fuck on here ESPECIALLY Bucks horseshit......but this is politics so I don't get too butt hurt, even in politics though its pretty annoying.
I remember a post where Cheezy and UncleBuck said they hate white people but I can't find it now, Cannabineer must have deleted it!