Why you'll never have to worry about ph levels again.


Well-Known Member
This is copy and pasted from the sensi nute web site......im an avid Fox Farm user but sensi is making some pretty good points..humm..could a nute change be in my future??? check out the whole site guys! http://www.advancednutrients.com/hydroponics/products/sensi_bloom/sensi_bloom_product_information.php?gclid=CJ-FrbTVn6sCFQteTAod6XPDlQ


If you've ever experienced off-color leaves, slow growth or low yield with your plants... then you've probably noticed these problems coincide with mysterious pH and PPM fluctuations. It's one of the biggest obstacles to getting "pro level" yields from your plants.

In fact, many growers find that manually checking and adjusting pH levels two times per day, to try to keep their plants growth stable and maximized is tiring, time consuming and one of the biggest challenges of trying to get bigger yields.

However, these scientists discovered how to completely eliminate pH checking forever with their proprietary "pH Perfect" technology. In short, as long as your water falls between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (which is pretty much everyone's water)-this technology adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered there throughout your plants bloom cycle.

Which means you'll never have to manually adjust your pH... you'll never have to worry that your plants aren't in the premium growing environment... all you have to do is add the bloom base nutrient SENSIBLOOM and the "pH Perfect" technology takes care of all that for you!

Just how well does this new technology work? That's what John from Humbolt County, California set out to discover...

*******Anyone wanna chime in on this particular product....like ones who's use this before.............does is cure all ph problems????


New Member
well its been about a year and nobody has voiced their opinion on this.I guess its not as good as they say or is it?


This is not specific to Advanced Nutrients. FloraNova, Maxibloom, and a few others I have seen at the Hydro store also will adjust ph for you and for floranova I can vouch that it does work. This doesn't mean you should ignore ph completely but I certainly do not monitor it as closely as I used to.