

Active Member

i have just finished my 2nd harverst and i cant understand why my finished product smells crap and looks :-( when i was cut down is smelt really really good english cheese lol it was very sticky loads thc but that has all gone.

what have i done wrong???

thanks ppl kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
how long did u dry it for? did you flush a week before harvest? did u cure it at all? der cud be bare different things dat u may have done or not done for the weed to turn out wid a bad smell.


Active Member
it has been drying for about a week now.. i flushed for a week but only watered 3 times in that wk! not sur about the curing dont really know what that is!! still new to this lol


drying\ curing are critical to your finished product. After it's been cut and starts to dry, it will smell like CRAP! you have to give the plants time to cure and to convert the THC's non phsycoative properities into what you're looking for.

1. dry bud for 5 - 7 days until outside feels dry
2. Cure bud for 2 weeks to 2 months (depending on how smooth you want)
--ensure you're burping your container to allow moisture to escape and to allow your bud to dry evenly.
3. ensure all leaves are removed and the the leaves around the bud are trimmed down to the bud.

grassy smells can occur from.

1. you didn't flush
2. you didn't dry enough
3. you didn't allow it to cure properly.

It takes time for the good smells to come out.


Curing Bud 101

The last step is to create a way to bring out the full flavor and best smoke from the marijuana buds. This can be done by using an air tight jar or similar. Put the dried marijuana buds into the jar loosely (do not compact them) and cover them. It is very important in the early jar-stage to check the marijuana buds at least once a day to replace the air, take them out (this helps dry evenly) and put them back in a different order.

This should be done for 7 to10 days then it can be done lest often. After 7 days all you need to do is open the jar and check the marijuana buds on a daily basis for mold and mildew. If mold and mildew is found in this step. Take the marijuana buds with mold or mildew out of the batch (throw away) and put the rest back in a brown bag for a few more days then the jar step can be repeated. This step can take from 2 weeks to 2 months depending on how you want you marijuana buds to develop its distinctive characteristics. The longer the better

A bud is completely dry, cured, and ready for consumption when the stem in the middle of the bud snaps easily with the fingers. The snap is easy to detect with practice. The marijuana buds now can be sealed and stored for a really long period of time. Lastly there are many ways to dry marijuana buds, but this is the best method yet I use and never failed me.