Widdow & Ny Diesel & Baby's breath freak x Royal Dane


Well-Known Member
So this was my 1st legit grow with a decent light...I got a few nugs last time but the majority of the plants didn't bud under cfls...

Anyway I know now that I should have planted em separately and the ones in the back got stunted cuz I hurt them transplanting em, so they are 4 months old and the ones in the front that are the same siz are only a month old, but I started em in that huge bag of soil and they just took off.

Anyway I started going to 11/13 on/off 3 days ago and the older plants already were showing sex a lil and the males popped up on their own a few months ago. I started with 10 or 12 and have 7 that I think are all females but I will know for sure soon enough...

Anyway the seeds came from two different bags. I got a bag of White Widdow and a bag of Ny diesel and they both had seeds. I know they were grown together so one is either straight widow or straight diesel and the other is a cross of the two but idk what the male was so I can't be sure....the babys breath freak x royal dane was a gift from a med mj pot board...

I will pull em out of the closet and get some closer pics tomorrow. They were bushy as hell but on some stupid advice I pruned the heck out of em the other day...

Plus a saw a cloning tek using no rooting hormone so I am giving that a try too...though I am going to probably get some as soon as I can..



Well-Known Member
I just ordered a 2nd 400w HPS so that should be here any day now....a friend is supposed to give me some skunk #1 beans so I am anxiously awaiting getting em...I haven't had skunk since I was 19...