Wife of Gribb


New Member

Im hoping that some of you know who Gribb is. I know that he's been all over the forums and made a name for himself. Being married to him and together for 15 years, I have learned a few things. Gribb recently lost his battle with cancer and I plan on continuing on. If anyone knew of him (or me) please shoot me a message. I have done 3 runs myself without issues but am having to relocate and have never set up by myself. I would also like to talk to a few of his friends, I knew some of them. Hi to all! I look forward to being a part of this forum.


Staff member
hi sorry for your loss

that name is not familiar maybe he used a different screen name on here?


Well-Known Member
Hello and i am also sorry for your loss. not sure of the name like sunni said maybe he used a different screen name. I would like to welcome you to our forum and hope you will find all the help you need and also share with us the knowledge you have learned.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to riu!

Feel free to ask any question.
maybe I can check around my riu contacts if someone knew him and get them to contact you if you want.



Well-Known Member
welcome to riu indigo! if you have any questions feel free to message me any time. ill do my very best to give helpful answers, and if i cant answer I could probably point you towards someone who would.

wish you luck on your upcoming endeavors.