Wikipedia to go dark for 24 hours to protest anti-piracy bill


Well-Known Member
yea because usually in my spare time i conjure up bullshit to plaster on the professors said all the hoopla about wiki is mostly bullshit-and encouraged me to use it. professors, graduates, researchers etc have the ability to spread accurate knowledge to the masses and normally dont conjure up fictional facts. and if you check out the bottom most facts are cited to credible websites and references (journal articles, peer reviewed stuff, college researches etc.)
my favorite thing about wikipedia is when palinistas attempt to edit/revise history in order to make it look like their savior sarah wasn't completely wrong about something.


Well-Known Member
my favorite thing about wikipedia is when palinistas attempt to edit/revise history in order to make it look like their savior sarah wasn't completely wrong about something.
and then there are the few that change her career works/history to: Partook in a role in the blockbuster NailinPalin


Active Member
The SOPA and PIPA acts are completely immoral and break laws to freedom of information. The biggest thing wiki and other groups are protesting is the adding of DNS servers of sites whom reference/inform/direct to piracy-related content, to a "Blacklist" that all ISPs must adhere too. The House and Senate are already both considering dropping this part from the bills (essentially rendering them useless, outside of increasing penalties for site owners), so obviously the point is being made, no matter what the individual point of such sites is. The fact is they DO have enough popularity to make a difference.

And all of us associated with this site or anything to do with MJ should be paying attention. If this act passes, it wont be long before an "amendment" to the bill gets added blocking DNS addresses for sites like rollitup and they provide information regarding something the Feds still consider illegal.


Well-Known Member
Wow, someone got their panties in a bunch and takes things on theninternet too serious!

Either way, i feel better using medline plus, mayo clinic, national library of medicine, do you need some more, ahem, valid sites? for all my references

Im sorry you are bitter and pathetic... And way too serious on the internet... Did you drink your big man juice today?

Wikipedia has a higher accuracy rate than Britannica. Wikipedia has the capability of being updated as facts are established and this alone gives it more credibility than any other source of info that does not have this capability. Furthermore, all edits are logged. Wikipedia has the distinct aim of making the sum of all human knowledge accessible to all humans.

You just parrot typical GOP memes and as such you are nothing more than a self appointed guardian of the status quo.

Anyone who takes you seriously has got to be a into demagogy.


Well-Known Member
no i dont like america & you get me the fuck out You bitter and pathetic way to too serious on the internet with your homo football player pic well Id like to stay here & hear your shockingly funny come back But Im off to get stoned & layed
enjoy your football pic


Well-Known Member
no i dont like america & you get me the fuck out You bitter and pathetic way to too serious on the internet with your homo football player pic well Id like to stay here & hear your shockingly funny come back But Im off to get stoned & layed
enjoy your football pic
This. Right here. Win.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it goes far enough. I'd like to see Google and YouTube blackout for a day as well.

Looks like Erowid decided to blackout. Let's see who else has the balls. I'll always keep in mind the sites who decided to take a stand and support this.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it goes far enough. I'd like to see Google and YouTube blackout for a day as well.

Looks like Erowid decided to blackout. Let's see who else has the balls. I'll always keep in mind the sites who decided to take a stand and support this.
Google and Youtube monitor you for the govt- they are black ops


Well-Known Member
Well they(Wiki) went dark. If you go there they will link you to your congressmen. I plan on calling mine in the morning. I hope yous all do this as well !!!


Well-Known Member
So to the guys who thought it was a dumb idea to do this, how many MILLIONS of people that didn't know about sopa/pipa yesterday that will now know today?

Shroomery has ALL their pics blocked and disabled in protest of this bill.


Well-Known Member
████ ██ █ ████ everything ███ █████ is █████ ████ ████ fine ████ ███ █ ██████ love █████ ██████ ███ your █████ ████ government.


Well-Known Member
If you want to use wiki they didn't do anything special. they just transfer you to the new site with that message.

To use wiki today just click the x when it pops up. It will be where your refresh button is. do this before it redirects you and the information is still there.