Will a flush fix them?


Well-Known Member
The little ones are suffering big time:cry:. I'm guessing it's either extreme nute burn (they been actin funny since FF trans), or the PH was way off resulting in Mag & Calcium def. They are still growing quickly. They were flushed with 3gal of ph balanced H20 (6.0) per each 2.5 gal pot yesterday so I'm waiting on results. Think this is a fix? Really don't want to lose my only g13WW and chemdog strains!


Well-Known Member
The little ones are suffering big time:cry:. I'm guessing it's either extreme nute burn (they been actin funny since FF trans), or the PH was way off resulting in Mag & Calcium def. They are still growing quickly. They were flushed with 3gal of ph balanced H20 (6.0) per each 2.5 gal pot yesterday so I'm waiting on results. Think this is a fix? Really don't want to lose my only g13WW and chemdog strains!
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Definitely saveable. I had a plant a while back that looked 5X as bad and it still came through. Go easy on the nutes.


Well-Known Member
So are you both saying yours looked like this and a flush helped? How long should it take to show effects? just check new growth?


Well-Known Member
The damage won't go away..go by the new growth. Should green up the light leaves.


Well-Known Member
The really damaged leaves will die and fall off. The rest will have damage but will continue to grow until eventually they are replaced by new sets of leaves. I don't know if a flush per say will do anything (could even make it worse) but skipping a few feedings or easing back a bit should help. If you really over feed them they'd be dead within a few hours. Since they are still standing tall the damage wasn't too bad.


Well-Known Member
Max ever was 87, but that was before the fan addition. Usually stays at 80-82 with night time being 75-79 but has tons of air movement from 3 fans. Haven't been fed yet so the fox farm must have burned them along with an off ph. Problem isn't getting worse and new growth seems to be fine now, but it's only been a couple days.


Well-Known Member
Yes, tons of movement. Got a 2.5 ft tall oscillating blowing on the plants, 1 cheap 10 inch blowing through the cool tube, 1 powerful 10 in (exhaust), and one of those big white fans people put in their rooms to suck air to the top of room before exhaust pushes it out. They are moving like a nice day on the beach, but it doesn't look violent or overboard... Just windy lol wish I could just post a vid


Well-Known Member
Actually you can beat the plant badly with the air. You need a lot of air moving around the plants but necessarily through or over them. Flush, use water only for a couple of weeks at least (there will be more than enough nutrients left even after flushing) and keep going. Keep the fan off of them directly for a while.


Well-Known Member
At one point, I had a cabinet set-up and was using a pretty powerful fan and had plenty of problems with plant health as a result. We emphasize the importance of a breeze on a newly sprouted seedling, that the air movement strengthens the stalk and overall better stability. Keep in mind that even in nature, plants get a break from wind, almost on a daily basis.

The way that you're rotating the air out, that in itself is borderline sufficient air flow. You may have other imbalances in your soil, too, but I think the way your leafs look, its more than just a problem due to ph lockout. (which is what a flush will remedy)


Well-Known Member
The oscillating fan has been taken out. Now there is just one that blows through the cool tube ( a little misses and creates a flow for the babes), and the exhaust, which was reworked in order to have the air going out the attic and not into the room (was getting hot and smelly!). It actually didn't even get hotter in there. May have actually dropped a degree. Thanks for the sound advice!


Well-Known Member
It's 2x's the pot size bro. To flush. To tell you the truth i looks like your soil Ph was to high, (was it man? you never really say.) locking out nutrients. You should add some lime to your soil.


Well-Known Member
Ph is around 6.5 now. I didn't want to flush all the nutes out so I thought just dimming them down a little would work. The ph is sitting at 6.0-6.5 according to my drain off tests. I've had 3 ph soil meters, but they all break within a week, so I'm over them. New growth seems to be speeding up with the extra fan out of there and switching to 20/4 light. I'll post some new [pics later today after lst'ing a few more budsites.