Will detox kits from GNC work for cleaning you out?


Well-Known Member
The answer is NO!!!!!!!
No such detox kit in the world will really clean you out!!!
No matter what they say its not a cleaning agent its a masking agent. Ive been useing the so call detoxt kits for year and they will not clean you out but if you fallow the directions closely you will pass a simple drug test but if you were to be tested agian the next day with out using the stuff agian you will fail.
Trust me Ive lost a job this way and they would not refund my money at the store... lol (I was pissed)

By the way dont listen to anyone when the tell you take a bunch a niacin ether. You can possible die

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
no the gnc does work. the 7 day one. gotta follow the directions for 7 days without smoking and then your clean until you smoke again


Well-Known Member
Which 7 product are you talking about?
The pills? Drink? Tea?
I've tryed this all from GNC and vitamin world and none of these really worked but they did give me a healthy feeling....lol
The only one that "worked" was the 30day clense pills and thats only because I did not smoke for 30days ...lol it was not the pills them selves (big waste of money)

The only things that work are:
good exercise
Good hydration (not over doing it though)
And food that makes you metabolize rise

All these will lessen the amount of time it is in your system.

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
well the 7 day has worked for me 3 different times. one of the times it was tested at a lab, the other 2 they just checked with a paper strip thing