Will Fan Leaves Grow Back?


Will fan leaves grow back if I cut them? My plant is exactly 2 weeks old today and a couple days ago it was going though some stress because the pot fell over and it's leaves (all of them) started drooping. The only thing I could think of to help was to give it "Miracle Gro Plant Food Liquid" and a couple hours later that night the plant was standing right up. (Not becuase of plant food) I read that you shouldn't feed seedlings which most likely was the reason to my baby's fan leaves are turning yellow. If I cut them off will they grow back? The entire 2 leaves have turned yellow and are soon to die.. I have two other leaves and two seem to be coming in also.. Will cutting the fan leaves off hurt the plant? :roll:


My plant looks exactly like this grow except my fan leaves are completely yellow w/ holes and the tips curled up I just want them gone.. :neutral:



Well-Known Member
none of the fan leaves i've cut have grown back. but i waited til the girls had plenty of strong ones to keep strong and healthy. i think cutting them now might only stress the plant more and reduce its ability to photosynthesize.


I would just pluck them off when they are ready. If you cut them your healthy ones will start dyeing quicker. And no they won't grow back

Total Head

Well-Known Member
no, the fan leaves will not grow back. leave them alone and focus on new growth from here on. if the plant is that young and the leaves are all yellow you might have to start over. personally i enjoy attempting to nurse plants back to health, but sometimes you have to let it go. a pic of the actual plant would be very helpful.


Well-Known Member
dude is using multiple accounts to make posts...i think we should just ignore him now...