Will heads explode when Hillary is elected?

Politics guided by conspiracy theories equals incredibly stupid people.

Why not just use the stars to go by, or the expression on a bird.
from the flat side of the earth, birds can't be trusted, they fly so they can see the sun and moon on strings and the light bulbs hung to look like stars and such...

from the round side of the earth, lofuckingl

that it's even a debate worries me more than leadership options. there are much larger issues. tesla said a hundred years ago that one day we'd have inter-connected devices that would give instant access to pooled information, and that would be the downfall of society. what happens when the kids who don't learn because of iphones and tablets are the only ones left to build new ones? 'uh, how do you know where to put this part? is there a youtube on it?'.
Nothing you can say after that, forget it.

Is the world flat too?
It could possibly be flat but I highly doubt it. Building 7 was not hit by an airplane but it blew up like demolition.

Aluminum has no chance in hell against a steel building. It would pancake up like a soda can under your boot.
It could possibly be flat but I highly doubt it. Building 7 was not hit by an airplane but it blew up like demolition.

Aluminum has no chance in hell against a steel building. It would pancake up like a soda can under your boot.

You know nothing about Kinetic energy`s transfer to heat.
Lying, corrupt Hillary isn't going to win. Feel free to quote that prediction.

What a weak shot by Hillary. Proof she's desperate. Hillary has no record of success to run on, or any real policies that will benefit the average american. She's only in the race for personal gain. Hillary is a Wall Street Money whore. A total sell out, pay to play should be her middle name. Like all Democrats before her, all she can do is call Trump a racist, dishonest, a name caller, an abuser of women, and corrupt (you know everything she actually is).
Hillary will be your new president. Because despite what you talk about with your friends... the majority of the country isn't going to vote for the guy that says...

"I love the blacks."
"She's probably bleeding out of her where ever."

Not to mention...most of us are able to read with comprehension and know from Trump's business history that he is not successful. He's gotten to play at the big business scale because of his dad's money and his name is recognizable for the same reason. And even more so after he was on TV.

He has never had a truly successful business venture though. He just hasn't. And there's countless accounts of him not just failing, but screwing other people over to cushion the loss from his own failure.

Why do Trump supporters think he's successful? Cause they're idiots. Who are too dumb to realize they're idiots. They should start injecting something in Mountain Dew to sterilize the fuckers.
Uh oh! What's the deal, kor420?? It appears that you have not kept your word! :lol:

Did you hear that, @UncleBuck?


Actually i did keep my word, The bet was for my account, and he was given the account. I kept my word.. Good to know that admins plays favoritism over here.


link to the post https://www.rollitup.org/t/riu-poll-trump-vs-clinton.922408/page-41#post-13011470
that's some real slimy weasel shit there.

Don't even try it. I said that after wed that Hillary political career was going to be over. You asked me, "want to bet you account on it?" i replied, "Sure" Long story short, i lost the bet, gave you the account, i held up my end of the bet. The End. Whats the problem?
Don't even try it. I said that after wed that Hillary political career was going to be over. You asked me, "want to bet you account on it?" i replied, "Sure" Long story short, i lost the bet, gave you the account, i held up my end of the bet. The End. Whats the problem?

like i said, no problem. it's just that every post you make now is a reminder of the fact that you are an idiot and a weasel.
like i said, no problem. it's just that every post you make now is a reminder of the fact that you are an idiot and a weasel.

How tho? Is it because that you don't agree with my political selection for president? I don't agree with yours either, but am i calling you a "idiot" and "weasel"?
How tho? Is it because that you don't agree with my political selection for president? I don't agree with yours either, but am i calling you a "idiot" and "weasel"?

idiot for thinking some shitty wikileaks crap would take down hillary. a weasel for making a sock and coming back.