Will I be clean for Drug test?


Well-Known Member
Ok, What do you guys think.. Took the drug test on June 27th, been working for the last week and a half there and nobody has called or said anything to me about this. You all think I am good to rip a little greenie?
don't rip a lil greenie rip a whole fuckin lot man I would say you are in!!!! get high and... stay high

by the way congrats!!!


I would not worry at all I am a daily smoker I have been for a long time it is the only way I can sleep, Tell you what happen to me this week I was given a job offer for another last company high 6 figures they needed me to start right away so the drug test had to been done ASAP!! ohh shit I though I was F..... for sure this was on a monday morning I had smoked my normal sunday blunts, so I had monday all day and tuesday morning. so I got to work fast first I found out that they would be giving me an oral test.good to know that type of thing upfront, next I went to GNC talked to the guy and got there detox blend the most expensive one it was like 50 bucks and it say max power for higher body mass LOL I though that sounds like me LOL...also got the the dual action clense pills for that extra cleaning I needed..next I called my local head shop and found out what they sold for oral test they sold me somthing called puriclean instant small bottle looks like a 5 hour energy. drank the GNC stuff and a shit load of water and pissed like every 10 minites that night I got 3 drug test kits from Walgreens i tested neg that that this was after smoking every day for the last 3 years i did so research that made me a bit pariniod about the test saying it is weak comnpared to the real thing so I was still freaking. I spent like 2-3 hours that night in my steam room and drank even more water. next morning more water and brushed the shit out of my teeth also gargolled with listerine like 5 times and retested still clean lol.. so drove down to the test place a bit more mouth wash and when in to wait for my test i had the small bottle with me for the head shop they said it was only good for 30 minites so the moment I was suppose to take test ran to the bathroom gargale with the stuff it was nasty but I could tell it worked cuz it made my mouth dry as hell one draw back the stuff is orange so I had to hit the water fountain for a few sips to get the color of my tounge most came off but even with water may mouth was dry lol. took my test . and waited for 3 days shitting bricks. everything came back clear. Im so happy


i wouldnt tell u this if it wasnt true. i LITERALLY just got back from the lab and cam clean. its friday..i smoked dro wed..... u take a packet of certo ( i got the blue package that come with 2 ) put it in the gatorade, mix it up and chug it. then refill the gatorade back up with tea or another gator. ( NOT WATER) water makes ur pee clear and looks suspisious. u pee like 2 times and hold the 3rd pee in untill the test. u try to time it where ther certos in ur stomach for about 1 and a half 2 hours before ur test. DONT EAT!! i passed. i was dirty weD.. O AND THE NIACIN IS A BS MYTH. I LITERALLY TOOK 100 IN 2 DAYS AND IT WAS DIRTY STILL. THE 500 mg too. certo jell works becuase it keeps the thc in ur kidneys. it DOES NOT CLEAN UR SYSYTEM i just traps the thc from coming out of ur dick for a few hours....if u dont believe me go to walmart buy a 12 buck weed test. and the certo and c before u take the real test. thats what i did


Well-Known Member
I haven't received any information yet about the test, so probably by the time I take the test I will be 16+ days clean of that 1 small hit. Before that 1 hit I was 100% clean. Last Thursday (the 14th) I had a THC drug test strip and both lines were visible which means (Negative) I'm just worried b/c this test came out of no where and its a life changing job. I've read that people took the strips and passed, but then failed the lab test. Little worried.
You should be just fine. One hit after such a long break and passing, don't even sweat it.