Will I Burn This Up?


Well-Known Member
OK I am Not an electrician.
Got me a 6"filter and fan. Made my own speed controller (outlet box with light dimmer switch) which I have running constant at a very low speed to control smell (BTW works great). Now I also purchased a inline fan controller (thermostat) from lowes($35). I wired this in to the fan after the speed controller(my thinking when temps get too high full power to the fan to cool). Tested by throwing a space heater in the room and it seems to work fine.

Just a little worried that this configuration may burn out my fan or the dimmer switch.

Any thoughts are appreciated



Well-Known Member
I'm consfused. If you are using the dimmer to drop voltage before the temp controller, how does it (temp controller) kick any additional power to the fan?


Well-Known Member
ok I took an outlet box supplied 120v to the box hits the dimmer down to whatever voltage it's set to.(fan is now running slow and anything else that is plugged into that outlet). Now from the thermostat ( http://www.suncourt.com/DuctStat.html ) I ran a heavy duty extension cord to the outlet and connected past the dimmer. (or another way instead on connecting one line to your terminal on the outlet conecting two one at low voltage and the othe at full when needed)

It seems to be working fine just worried I might toasst something because when full power comes on there is still the low voltage (from dimmer) This is the fan http://htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=52583

I hope this makes sense