Will I increase my yeild if I add cfls to my hid grow?


Well-Known Member
Enough said
more light generally always means more yield, it's just a matter of whether it's worth it to you. If your planning on growing for a long time, go ahead and add the cfl's. They pay for themselves over time and long use. But if it's a one time grow, don't bother.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 plants under a 400HPS. I just added 4 26 watt 6500 cfls to them. I thought more light = more weed. Heres my reasoning behind it:
a) Two Spectrums
b) More watts per sq feet
c) More lumens/Light to diff budsites

Why would't I bother if It was just a first grow? I heard the added blue gave buds better smoke anyway?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
A standard metal halide bulb is basically useless? atleast thats what that chart is saying. Dunno if I agree with that chart too much.
I do, I tried growing with a 4100 K CFL once, pathetic growth compared to 6500 K. I won't even use them for flowering.
Some guy was bragging how big his seedlings were after two weeks under a 400 watt standard MH, they were the same as mine were under a 15 watt 6500 K CFL.
It's your money, grow however you want.


Well-Known Member
If you put them near the HID, no they will do nothing. More watts does not equal more available lumens. At any location, a plant will see the brightest available light and nothing more.

However, if you add them to shaded areas around the perimeter, they will then be the brightest light at those locations, therefor increasing usable light to the plant = more yield.

Keep them close. Intensity diminishes greatly at distance. This is particularly true for flouros. If you can't notice the plant material looking brighter with them on, they are doing nothing.


Well-Known Member
I have flowered under both,the only difference IMO was denser buds with the hps hortiluxeye bulb but the mh had a better taste.This was done with clones from the same mom,and cured the same.To be totally honest there really was not that much difference.The only way cfls are gonna do anygood is in spots where the footprint of the hid is not present.