Will I see a difference?


Well-Known Member
So my new 600watt hps and grolux bulb are getting installed tonight replacing my 400watt hps generic bulb.
My area is a 3'x3' space
I have usually 6-8 girls in at a time - pretty much doing what they want with a bit of bending and cutting here and there.
All other variables staying the same - Should I see a difference? If so, What? will they be denser? will there be more??

Thanks In Advance


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Probably yes and yes. The more light the better. You will have to tell us how much of a difference you notice.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning
I Installed the new light last night. It worked out very well, I only changed the ballast and bulb. The cord and socket were the same as well as the reflector.
There was a definite difference in light. The new light a is a lot brighter (duh) as well as a lot bluer. .
We shall See....


Well-Known Member
It will make the plants die you wasted your money. jk They will love it. Just keep an eye on temps they may go up some.


Well-Known Member
your plants will experience a sharp increase in heat and u can lose yield if it stays too hot in your space.
if you keep it cool enough, however, you will see more buds produced (obviously). for a 3 x 3 room with 600w, i recommend a 6 inch inline fan and a cooltube if u can. keeping the plants cool means u can keep em closer to the light and expect denser yields.