will mexican companies absorb the 20% tariff trump puts on their goods?

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Sex and politics. Religions next.
See my posts in response to Thai stick, radio silence thread.
i will search for your post there. i would not attack your sex or sex preference. and a gay republican makes sense but the actual current republican party is not your friend.
and if you are being ironic i don't think it's cute but maybe i just don't get the humor or irony in either case
i do find the Muslim republicans queer also.


Well-Known Member
you want to ban refugee children because you think they are coming to kill you while defending nazism.
You while pretending to sjw from a moral perspective and at the same time accusing others of the same racist shit you foment, simply lie.
I support what Trumps done.


Well-Known Member
go to bed, drunkard. you can't form coherent sentences anymore.
You need to save some energy. The GOP is gonna continue. When it's done with EO's they'll be some confirmations. After that some CRA's. A little legislation. The on to 2018. That ain't looking so swell. 10 Democratic senators up for reelection in red states, 2018. Slate sux but makes the point. Loser.

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esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Idk. Same word for white or Caucasian I presume
Not quite. That would be more like saying white is the same as english; you could but it wouldn't be accurate and nobody talks that way. I grew up in a half hick half hippie (to oversimplify)town.
And some of the semi-racist types would use hebrew or heeb as a slur to refer to jews . Not like saying the k word or saying snowflake but a slur all the same like saying abe or a-rab