will my girls be okay??


Well-Known Member
well before i left, i left my grow room door a little open
by a mistake obviously cause i was in a hurry. and my
dog ( rottweiler ) obviously hes big, so he ran into the
room while i was gone and knocked most of my plants
down... i suspect he was in there around 9am.. because
the timer was knocked down and it was stuck on 9:03am
so im growing 10 plants, and 7 of them were down...

will they surivive? one was knocked right out of its pot. so
put it back, the roots didnt seem bothered but im still
worrying. other than that, they seem okay but there probably
in shock, and you all know that shock can turn into death.


Active Member
oh yea, you can damn near snap a plat in two and duct tape it together and it will mend. (some people call this extreme super cropping) you didnt mention what stage they are in, but if they are in veg, or even early flower, you should be okay!


Well-Known Member
they should be okay. ive done some pretty crazy things to my ladies and they pulled thru fine. Just give them a couple days ans see how they are doing. Other than that keep that beast away from them. Lucky it didnt eat them. I Know i woulda. LOL Goodluck


Well-Known Member
theyll probably either be ok or go into shock, which only last a week or two.
ive ripped roots before when i was transplanting, knockd it over, did not water when it needed it and it is still ok