Will my plant Survive the Cold Weather?How long until it can be Harvested?Help Please

I heard that outdoor growing should be done by the first frost if this is true would my plant survive maybe 2-3 weeks past it? here are pictures of it let me know if you can about how far it is until its ready to be harvested please thankyou. But I cant remember how long ago i started growing her.

:leaf: keep smokin


Total Head

Well-Known Member
so obviously this was started inside and then moved outside because there are hardly any buds on that thing and it's almost october. either that or you planted WAY late. dam is right. at least 7 weeks left but looking at those leaves there appears to be a healthy dose of sativa in that plant. 7 weeks may be a pipe dream. it's gonna be december by the time that thing finishes. time to invest in an indoor setup. you can leave it out there until the frost but not after.


Well-Known Member
about 7weeks...depending on sativa or indica dom but urs loooks pretty indica. it its a fast indica MAYBE only 5more weeks but i doubt it
maybe ill try to buy the indoor stuff but i really have no money right now so im not sure i plated it at the start of august i think


Well-Known Member
keep an eye on the weather report and cover them when they predict frost. we had our first last week and i still have a bunch out wont be ready for about 2 more weeks. you`re not screwed till the frost is ground penetrating.