Will my recipe work!?


Active Member
Hey, so yesterday I was high as fuck and was highly on munchies so decided to make myself some half-cooked chocolate mini cakes with molten chocolate middle. Since this recipe takes 50g of butter I decided to add a little weed in it, and made it melt and left it for a good 15mins at low temperature.. Since i didnt have much weed, i decided to add a pinch of pure thc... I added the butter to the rest of the mix, put half the mix in half of the serving cups, added 2g of chocolate in the middle along with another big pinch of thc in all of them, then poured the rest of the mix into the cups and baked it for 40 mins at 235 degrees (very low).

My question is... Will these make me high? Its not a recipe usually made for weed..

edit - was already too high to eat them xD



Well-Known Member
If I were you I would put 1/2 stick butter (if you have a scale measure 50g but 1/2 stick butter in USA = 56g) put the butter in a saucer pan and crank to a high heat, add pot and stir in for 5 min, bring temp down to low while continuing to stir. 15min of this will get your butter infused not nearly as good as making it in a pot for a day or 2 but in a pinch. I used to leave the herb in the butter and just cook with it in the butter, gross, I would suggest straining it.