will my setup produce results?


Well-Known Member
Ive been smoking for a few years and i just recently decided to grow. i dont have acces to high quality potting soil or the right lights.
im using 2, 100 watt normal bulbs, and soil from outside mixed with in soil nutrients, and im watering every time the soil drys out once switching from water with nutrients to water from my tap (well water).
right now ive got a seedling and im wondering will it survive with my current setup?
here is some pics



Active Member
yes just remember to only feed it water until its at least 3 weeks old or you'll over fertilize it and it'll be a boy. also may i suggest switching to cfl they are less expenseive to buy and use and it lasts longer; one 26 w cfl (compact fluorescent) puts out as many lumens as the 100 w incandescent your using now. your soil looks good to me just make sure you never buy miracle gro soi because you cant leach it of salts in the end of your flowering cycle. and go to greenmanspage.com down to the grow guide library and read TEN BIGGEST MISTAKES GROWERS MAKE it really helps you not do the little things most people accidentally do.



Well-Known Member
thanks man that helps, like i said i cant go out n pick up anything outside of my house... i was able to find a 23 watt cfl light which i swapped out one of em for but after that all i could find was a 13 watt cfl so im wondering should i use the 100 watt incandescent or 13 watt cfl?


New Member
Using regular light bulbs is a waste of time. Sorry .. but if you want to grow pot, you'll have to spend at least a little money on equipment. There are some cheap ways to go that are really good, but using regular light bulbs and dirt from the back yard isn't it.



Well-Known Member
ive swapped it to cfl lights now but i dont understand why my bud wont grow i mean weeds been around longer then potting soil and sure soils definatly better but im not trying to grow top quality bud or nuthin this is just a test run why cant it work.