Will one plant growing inside smell outside my house.


Well-Known Member
So I decided to grow one plant in my closet because my tomatoes are coming to an end and I love growing. I have not bought a tent yet with a carbon filter which I know is the go to method. Now I know the whole inside of my house will smell like skunk during flower but what about the outside from just one plant? I couldn’t imagine it stinking much until you walked up to my door, right?


Well-Known Member
depends on the size of the plant, the strain, how well your house is sealed, how well you are mitigating odor with carbon scrubbers, etc.
True. It’s probably going to end up being around 3ft+tall I’m lsting. Strain is blueberry cupcake and it already smells like skunk during veg, I flipped it about 5 days ago. I’m only using ona blocks


Well-Known Member
I had 1 OG Kush inside, with a 8" carbon filter and our mail carrier, who brought some packages to the door said she could smell it. It was pretty strong!


Well-Known Member
Many times, in the morning, I am working in the vegetable garden and I smell bacon, eggs, pancakes, etc. cooking...from a neighbor's house....could be next door....could be a few houses down. Yes. Your plant will be able to be smelled from outside unless you get a filtration system.


Well-Known Member
When i first started i didn't even know what a carbon filter was....and I'd grow 4-6 plants with heat and smell going to the roof at a apartment complex, never had an issue ever, even when one time i came home to see my panda plastic peeled off the window and i had what looked like a mini sun inside my house shining for all to see , lmao that was a jaw dropping moment.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot I could say on this subject, but I'm going to keep it short. If you are in a place where it's illegal, your best bet is to purchase a carbon filter. The smell could get out of hand and leak onto the Street. And shortly after you will get a knock on your door from the feds which is NOT what you want.
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