will pre-mature buds be ok to smoke after curing

Wellmy friend started a plant from a bag seed of good dank ,well after two weeks he passed her over to me bc he didn't have the time,so I took her treated her as if she was my own,well he would come by trying to give unnecessary tips but we had a deal he would decide when to harvest,well I kno she had at least3-4 weeks left ,so now I got immature bud and was curiose what to expect when its done curing


Well-Known Member
I look at it this way, if you take a sample and it gets you the high you want after its dried, it's done. I've taken samples from plants that were 2 weeks away from being "done" and the high was perfectly fine. I didn't chop them because the breeder suggests a certain amount of time and I try to follow that, but like I said if it gets you high, isn't too harsh, and it's for your own stash, it's done. I think everyone makings growing a weed a LOT more complicated than it really is.


Active Member
Make sure you cure it properly. Really fluffy, small, immature buds I dry for two days and then in the jars for two weeks opening everyday. Then you can smell it and taste it. Don't overdry before jaring.


Well-Known Member
if it smells like hay when you chop it will probably smell and taste like hay later. with that said work with what you got! cure it up and blaze a fatty and just be happy you did nt have to pay for it. decide how it turned out and make a note for the next grow. good luck!
well it turned out ok,did the job you kno but wasent satisfied,i've already started mending my soil for next year,screw the bag seed though im getting my seeds online that way i know wat it is,what it needs and approx what it supposed to look like


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that no matter how much curing you put it through, early bud will still taste earthy. I've taken early samples from a plant, dried it out and cured it slightly LONGER than the fully matured bud. Both buds taken from the same plant and dried/cured with the same method. The early bud tasted like straw and lawn clippings even after 2 months of curing. The mature stuff tasted like strawberries and cream with a cure two weeks shorter than the early.

With that said you still made out on the whole grow. You got some free smoke whose origins and treatment are known. Enjoy it! It was free after all :)