Actually I think it might be one and a partial nitpick.
'Media' is all encompassing, if you mean 'news', I would recommend AP news, it is nonpartisan and is highly accurate, free, and not hate-mongering click bait.
And yeah I disagree strongly with the what you went on to correctly call 'both sides-ism'.
Without knowing more, I would point out that it might be worth really paying close attention to all of what the Democratic leaders are saying and not what propagandists are spamming into relevance.
I don't question that shit happens in real life all the time, but right now it is impossible to know what you have 'seen' that you affiliate with a political party. That shit is being programmed HARD on a individual basis to try like hell to nudge people into either being a full on MAGA, and if they can't, to push them into thinking that the Democratic Party is just as bad. But they are not. It doesn't mean that the humans inside those parties can't be idiots and do stupid shit, or just not understand why they are wrong in that moment and get just as triggered into becoming a Karen as the next person voting for Trump can get (even if less likely on a per-capita basis). Because everyone is under constant attack to drive them as crazy as possible.
The trick is, even though they can be attacking people using money from right wing propagandist donors, the trolls can switch up what they pretend to be dependent on the audience they are cat fishing. Making 'the left' look like assholes.
That really sucks, and I am sorry your kids are going through this. And I wish you the best in your meeting.
I just am not sure how that is a knock against Democrats though (or am I missing something)?