will someone help me?

the russian man

Active Member
water with molasses every 2 weeks right? and can i mix my nutes in to the same molasses mix i did with the hot cup of water and the gallon thing?


Well-Known Member
Be aware that not every practice mentioned on Cannabis boards is going to help your grow.

There's been a lot of talk about adding carbs during bloom. Be careful, and use these things sparingly.

Some of these products can be toxic.

Perlite is strictly for loosening soil, and helping drainage. If you have good drainage, save your money.

Trichomes will appear when the buds get close to finishing.

Trichome color is the best guide to maturity.

Clear = Immature

Cloudy = Mature

Amber = Overripe.

Most folks harvest when a small amount of amber is visible, insuring peak ripeness.

the russian man

Active Member
thanks man i know how to grow its just this plant wasnt producing much on 3rd week of flowering and i wanted to help it and im new to molasses but u didnt quite answer my question


Well-Known Member
oh yeah you can go to walmart you should find the syrupt section and look for grandma s molassess...they re about three bucks.


Well-Known Member
I didn't want to get into the benefits of added carbs because I don't think adding sugar to the soil is very effective when compared to adding compost and mulch to your soil. Just a personal opinion. I'd just suggest you really do some reading on the practice.

the russian man

Active Member
its growing in compost by the way.....not my own i got from freind who hired a company to dump a truckfull of compost on his frontyard for 100$ and this compost is great lol but im using fox farm big bloom organic. and i feed her like once in 2 days. and nutes every other time i water 1 gallon of nutes but wen watering normally i water 2 gallons of water. thats all lol cause its bin raining n florida everyday forthe past ummm 3 months?


Well-Known Member
I'd suggest you do a "side by side" treating some plants and not others.

See what happens?

In the 6-7 years I've been hearing about added carbs, I've yet to see someone post mature pix, and credited Molasses/Sweet/Other carbs with improved results. Tried it once, with poor results. Likely due to incomplete instructions, but I have no way of knowing for sure.

the russian man

Active Member
i tied a hand full of shrooms today and i went picking and i ate a raw 1 and it made me trip harder and i learned from my trip that mother nature is taking sucker punches from us humans i mean there was so much that opened up to me that i thought im going crazy like its unexplainable because i wss shroom pickin in nature and it was awesome until i drove back to the city with my freind and..... THE CITY MADE ME SICK! like all the cars and i looked at my shrooms that i picked and since they were in a grocery bag the all got nasty and that almost mad me cry cuz wen i found them they looked beautifill but now the are dead because of me it got so bad that my freind had to do it for me and take my shrooms out of the bag to dry them in his closet i feel that everyone has become corrupt and since i beilieve in God i see were all that started too ...i read the bible and it all makes sense to me now but i feel bad for who i am and for the whole humanity

cary schellie

Active Member
grandmas mollases $2.50 at walmart, use 1 tsp per gallon of water, perlite helps keep ur soil moist, good to use in guerallia growing, be patient u will be getting resin soon as long as u got good genetics, and lights