will someone please teach me how to clone!!!


Well-Known Member
Will someone teach me how to clone in soil with no nutrients. I have zero nutrients available. please help never done it before


Well-Known Member
You need a cloning gel such as Clonex. Cut the stem at a 45 degree angle (some people splice it down the middle too, some don't). Sit it in the Clonex for like 10-15 seconds, then put it in your medium (usually use rockwool).


Well-Known Member
Will someone teach me how to clone in soil with no nutrients. I have zero nutrients available. please help never done it before
I do not have access tongue gels chemicals and nutrients I'm in Mexico they don't sale none of that here


make sure u dip it in the cloning jell as soon as u make the cut. this way air want get in the stem stopping the growth of the plant.


Well-Known Member
make a hole in the moist soil (very moist)

cut the clone, stick it in the hole, make the soil tight around the stem.

cut a bit larger clone, have one node under the soil (they root easier)

use a humidiy dome or make one. (there should be a small hole for air(you should see some moisture on the dome, not alot)

use indirect lighting (near a window but not in direct light, 15w cfl at a foot distance, something like that or a piece of paper between the light and the clones (if its stronger)

use blue bulbs if available.



Well-Known Member
I do not have access tongue gels chemicals and nutrients I'm in Mexico they don't sale none of that here
I'm in cancun, were the mafia doesn't allow a lot of grow products and they deseed every bag of weed to prevent growers from groing.


Active Member
If you can access the internet, like you obviously can...you should go to the store and put cash on a temp credit card, and buy the shit you need online...or you will prob end up with a crap product, unless you want to throw them outside and let mother nature take over. She tends to do a pretty good job by herself.


Well-Known Member
Will someone teach me how to clone in soil with no nutrients. I have zero nutrients available. please help never done it before

im sure you already have the cutting of clones down , so in your case since you dont have access to the chemcals suggested .. use honey as your cloning agent .. just dab your clone into a bit of honey , and make sure to use a humidity dome .. a cut off 2 liter pop bottle will even do as a dome ... hope this helps

happy growin


Well-Known Member
After dipping in hunny put in dirt or wait for roots then dirt
.. cut your clone, use a sharp knife and just shave a little on the sides of the stem you plan to put in the soil, dip in honey , and put in soil .. keep the soil warm and use a moisture dome .. i always cut 6in clones and put at least 3in in the soil ... if you need a little more specific instructions just let me know i will see what i can do for ya

hope this helps you a bit

happy growin