Will swapping back to 18/6 during flower stress the plant??


Basically SWIM has a plant that is in a vertical closet grow which is about 3 or 4 weeks into flower on 12/12, due to issues within his household he has to move the plants from the space in which they are kept. The only option from here is either to harvest now with what is there (flowering is not fully complete) or to move it to another grow space which is being used to veg on 18/6 with another 4 plants.

What would happen if he were to move the plant back to 18/6 this late into flowering? Would it be more beneficial to just harvest now?

Just unsure on what he should do from here as this issue hasn't ever occured before, any help is greatly appreciated. :) :peace:


Well-Known Member
Other than likely being the wrong spectrum, why not pull them out of the tent into darkness for six hrs of the 18?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Basically SWIM has a plant that is in a vertical closet grow which is about 3 or 4 weeks into flower on 12/12, due to issues within his household he has to move the plants from the space in which they are kept. The only option from here is either to harvest now with what is there (flowering is not fully complete) or to move it to another grow space which is being used to veg on 18/6 with another 4 plants.

What would happen if he were to move the plant back to 18/6 this late into flowering? Would it be more beneficial to just harvest now?

Just unsure on what he should do from here as this issue hasn't ever occured before, any help is greatly appreciated. :) :peace:
First off, SWIM offers ZERO protection. Only the boys on DMT Nexus seem to think it does, but it DOESN't mate. And it just looks silly. We all know it's your plants bro.

If you move 'em to 18/6, you will at worst get herms, at best get fluffy buds with tons of foxtails as the plant goes back into veg. Hormonal change will take around a week max. Your options are limited to cropping (no idea how far in it is, doesn't look like very far by what you are saying) or cutting your losses. Unless you can keep 'em on 12/12 somehow.


If you harvest before week five, you will just end up with junk, even the hash would suck. Why not just put in a dark closet it can say in the dark for 8 day or so with out messing it up much in the end it will still be good. Growindad idea is the ideal tho


First off, SWIM offers ZERO protection. Only the boys on DMT Nexus seem to think it does, but it DOESN't mate. And it just looks silly. We all know it's your plants bro.

If you move 'em to 18/6, you will at worst get herms, at best get fluffy buds with tons of foxtails as the plant goes back into veg. Hormonal change will take around a week max. Your options are limited to cropping (no idea how far in it is, doesn't look like very far by what you are saying) or cutting your losses. Unless you can keep 'em on 12/12 somehow.
I see what you're saying, but actually in this case the plants are not mine, and I'm asking for a friend as I also did not think what should be done. :)

Thanks for the tips.


It will depend on where he can move them too but that's probably the best way to go about it actually. The space that's been used up to this point is no longer 'secure' so he will have to decide where to put them to but thankyou for your help. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ya ive noticed that crap on other boards..they use one designated word to replace I ....it gets SOOOOO annoying to read!!!!! ....we dont do that here :blsmoke: ..the logical answer is to move them into the veg room and switch it to 12/12 and flower the others early if that is the absolute only space that can be used


Well-Known Member
oh and also yes it will "stress the plant" lol what it will really do is revert it back to veg and it will stop growing bud and also probably throw out a pollen sack or two...


funny thing is i was actually referring to someone who isnt me, so it kinda isn't so stupid as you may think :) whenever i have mentioned my own plants I use the standard 'I' lol thanks for the tip, the others are so early into veg i don't think that would work but we're looking into seeing if there's room to put the plant in the dark somewhere in a safe location when moved from the tent.


Well-Known Member
i dont get it, only need to move them for a small time then they are going back? or moving them for the rest of the grow?


It's difficult to explain without going into more detail than I would prefer, but I mean just for the 6hours of darkness, as I mentioned previously the area isn't quite secure, sorry I cant explain more lol, but it's big enough and smelly enough to notice for sure. :)


Well-Known Member
lol well you dont have to explain your specifics but you have to give me some idea of what you need to know.....so they are moving for only 6 hours? and the 6 hours they need to move it will be their dark period but the room they have to move to is in its light period right??? if i have that right definitely try to just find a closet to throw them in and i would suggest throwign them in the closet when the lights are just about to go off so move them a bit early instead of moving them in their dark period. if you must move them in the dark period id try to cover them with a box or make it dark as i can in the hall on the way to interupt the cycle as little as possible.....or maybe i have that all wrong anyway and that isnt the scenario lol


Yes pretty much so, they're on 12/12 but have to be moved to where the other plants are, which are on 18/6, so moving it to a dark area for 6hours of the light on during the light process seems like the best option. Working out where they are going would be an issue but you've given me an idea to make-shift a wooden box to put over it i think we have some things we can use to transfer it in and in any case it will be easier to hide in the closet.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
funny thing is i was actually referring to someone who isnt me, so it kinda isn't so stupid as you may think :) whenever i have mentioned my own plants I use the standard 'I' lol thanks for the tip, the others are so early into veg i don't think that would work but we're looking into seeing if there's room to put the plant in the dark somewhere in a safe location when moved from the tent.
No you weren't LOL. Nice save.


Active Member
put a blindfold on them for 6 hours.


if they are female plants, they will hermi as they still have the male chromosome alongside the two female chromosome.

if they are feminized they will go back to vegging and they dont have the male chromosome only female chromosomes, the male being removed through genetic breeding technics.

that is !!!!! if it was a decent breeder that produced the feminized seed/s


put a blindfold on them for 6 hours.


if they are female plants, they will hermi as they still have the male chromosome alongside the two female chromosome.

if they are feminized they will go back to vegging and they dont have the male chromosome only female chromosomes, the male being removed through genetic breeding technics.

that is !!!!! if it was a decent breeder that produced the feminized seed/s
We've made a box to cover 6 hours before lights off and have found a reasonable spot to put it, appreciate the advice definitely good to know. :mrgreen:


Active Member
ok as long as air can get in the box during the dark period,

plants breathe (respire) c02 during the daylight hours, but photosynthesis reverses the respiration from breathing in c02 during light to breathing in air during the dark period.

this is why, if you build two grow rooms back to back on 12/12 one switches off while the other switches on, say 20 plants in each, the dark room will feed the light room with c02 and the light room will feed the dark room with air if you put an intake fan on one side of one room and an intake fan on the other side of the other room, and then vice versa once the light switches.

the two rooms can be completely sealed from the outside world.
sounds crazy but true.