New Member
I had been thinking about this and I was hoping to get feedback on what I think might happen. Once all the legal states allow out of state companies and the feds allow tax write offs most people agree big companies will get interested. I think they are however salivating at the mouth because of marijuanas characteristics. Each strand gives you a different high, they all taste different and to grow a truly incredible plant is fairly hard and requires experience. All Alcohol and tobacco arguably give you the same feeling good regardless there is a taste difference though. Nicotine doesn't have different feelings and beer is beer whether you drink 6 miller's or 6 Stella's your drunk after. I've got a feeling someone is going to take a billion dollars and hire like Harvard biochemists to just go scientifically crazy and develop super strands that all have different perfected highs and are perfected on like a molecular level. And with leds and solar getting more cheap and efficient massive indoors will probably be around and obviously the most successful weed company will have pot that is the best stuff ever as marijuana smokers are slightly obsessed with the best. So these companies will have super strands with perfect highs and quality from super supreme nutrient and growing techniques that'll produce something that I'm guessing doesn't exist yet. going by the fact Colorados prices have halfed, at every gas station they'll have perfectly rolled perfect marijuana individually rolled in packs of 10 and 5 grams for like $20 and insane quality. That still means that each plant will produces hundreds of dollars of product which is beyond lucrative considering its just a plant and theyll make like 50 million plants a year. 98% of people like me don't want a stash of pot that we have to roll or pack in to a bowl and feel like a teenager. most people just want to buy a super high quality pack keep it in a drawer and forget about it. I'm guessing like 95% of these mom and pop growers and cannabis dispensarys will all close because they won't be able to compete with biochemists from Harvard and most people just want to go to the liquor store or gas station and not make a production out of it. what do you guys think am I right?