will the neighbours smell my grow?


Active Member
i live on a farm, the nearest neighbours are about 200ft away.

do you think if i planted about 30 plants outdoor they would get a smell of it around flowering time?

Im thinking of dumbing loads off diff types of poo around then when they start to flower.

also is there anything else i can plant around them that gives off a strong smell of something else?


Well-Known Member
It won't cover it up. Once they start to flower it will smell like a skunk is in the area.


Well-Known Member
yea, it's really hard or impossible to mask the smell of a big outdoor grow. I know I can smell mine up on the road if the wind is blowing the right way, and that's like 1000 ft. from the grow.


Well-Known Member
unless you live on a slurry farm its gonna stink of weed, normally the last few weeks are the smelly bit.


Active Member
thanx for all the reponces, so the only real way around this is a greenhouse with carbon filter blaster the hot air straight up into the air


New Member
yea greenhouse with herb plants to make it less smelly - lavender, mint and citronella - citronella with keep bugs out too !! also hook up carbon filter and your away !

hope this helps


it does smell on those hot days. Plant less, like 5 or 10 shouldnt make that much smell esp if you got any plants or flowers to cover it up. Honeysuckle and lilac are good. Tbh it depends i planted only 1 outside my house cus of smell factor now i regret it cus the lady is 5ft flowering and cant smell it even when my nose is in the bud. And my strain is supposed to smell ..


Active Member
Lilacs are a good idea. Boy do they carry their scent. They generally are an early bloomer, though, and wouldn't help much when the plants got their stinkiest later.


Active Member
Not sure what you have available to you but on your farm do you have an out building or shed or something you could use? You could use it to move 5-10 plants inside at night early in the season forcing them to flower and leave the others to grow. Then atleast you wont have all of them budding/smelling at the same time. I had 10 plants in my back yard which is fairly bushy. I cleared out 3 spots that had good cover and decent light. By having them in a few spots it seemed to help too. Also I figured if a deer or some asshat came along atleast potentially all of it wont be lost. Mine didnt seem to have too bad of a stink, noticeable when you got within say 50 yards. Hard to say without seeing your place but Im on a small farm myself and my neighbour is about the same distance from you.

Also keep in mind that your going to be visiting your plants very frequently to water and what not. Pick your spot very wisely make sure you stand in the exact spot where your planting them and check all vantage points even the path you plan to take to get to them, you dont want your neighbours seeing you walk into the bushes with a watering can everyday. ;)


Active Member
i usually pull out my road killed skunk fromthe freezer and lay them outside near the drive and infront of of there place heehee... it seems to work my fellow neighbors hate the skunks that seem to invade our area every year in fall...lol it works tho


Well-Known Member
I'm growing a bunch of TGA strains and either my nose is really bad or none of them have any skunk smell. They are all fruity smelling

^ or you could run over a few skunks ahaha


Active Member
lol this strain only smells the last 2 weeks of flowering, im thinking of going ahead with it and maybe jusy chop a week or 2 early