Will the US deserve a Trump presidency ?


Well-Known Member
Wow, I didnt read that article when I decided how much money I was going to make... LOL!!!

I started as a home inspector in 2006 just after the runup and right before the crash. Spent the last decade inspecting houses in all markets.

I dont compare myself to you or anyone else. I need 3,000 a month and I am making 5000+ a month and it is increasing. My 2700 square foot house is bought and paid for. I make more than I need and I am happy.

It doesnt matter what you make or what donald trump makes or anyone else. I am only worried about myself. This came up again when you started another personal attack against me because you really have no argument about Hillary Clinton being a lying crook that is going to prison.
Funny that. I don't have to argue about Hillary being a crook or her going to prison, because no charges. Ever.

Unlike Dump who is facing charges for fraud under RICO statutes next month. Did you know that the girl he raped when she was 13, in front of people nonetheless (yuck) is pressing charges and Dump is going to be tried in December? Three witnesses have come forward.

So, no. I don't have to argue about something that didn't happen. I'd be glad to argue about something that Trump actually is charged and scheduled for trial.

As far as your home inspection sham that you promote. I've said before, that you are a bald faced liar and nothing you say would prove otherwise. I understand you don't give a shit. Which is about what I give for your lies.


Well-Known Member
It was kinda big jump from 0 to 5K a month since February....
i do enjoy busting your balls but there is a ceiling of what you will make, not what you can make.

hire a good accountant is the one piece of being an ex business owner that i will pass along for free.


Well-Known Member
My 2700 square foot house is bought and paid for.
the one you inherited from your dead parents?

because you certainly didn't pay it off by being a 55 year old alcoholic making $12,000 a year scrubbing shit off the sides of pools and taking out loans to cover living expenses.

you really have no argument about Hillary Clinton being a lying crook that is going to prison.


Well-Known Member
I started the business a year ago. You started making claims about my income.

I explained to you the range of money I could make. Then you had a stroke and ever since, I am now making that much money.

This is why having a conversation is so difficult with you.

Within a year I am taking in over 60K. My income is going to top out around 150K at which point I will start hiring employees and grow larger. You are not following along very well at this point.

Again, why do you care?

P.S. I am generally happy to hear someone is a business person and successful. Rarely do I feel the need to attack them. You may want to reflect on why you feel such anger at my success, it certainly isnt healthy for you or the community.
I wish you luck at your endeavor, and you better pray that Trump loses or you can forget about your future. Just look at what Wall St did when that new email shit came out. It tanked just from the fear that it would influence the election in favor of Trump. You want to see a worldwide crash? Just vote Trump and hope he wins.