Will these lights work??


Active Member
lights.jpg06142010-002.jpg2700 lumens each,equivalent to 150 watts. it has a built in ballast that i can just plug in. will these even help the plant grow?


Active Member
i am only growing 1-2 plants. if these wont work, is there a website or somewhere i can get some from??


Active Member
They will grow, but you won't get much yield. 1-2 plants under those might get you a couple eights.

If you plan on using those, grab a couple Dual bulb connectors and run 4 bulbs

Remember, 150w equivalent is NOT the same as 150w HPS. It's equivalent to 150w halogen light (which you would never grow with anyways). Compact florescent need to be judged based on the power they use, not the power they are 'equivalent' to.


Active Member
if i buy like 4-5 more will that be alrite?. or should i just get some hps or cfl's?
It really depends on your budget and what you're trying to achieve. For 1-2 plants, you best bet for low heat/power would probably be a 90w LED UFO. It'll run you about $150 on ebay and it has about a 2'x2' coverage.

edit - here is a company I've used before, great customer service and no problems so far with anything I've got from them, happy growing!


Active Member
ive noticed this place has the cheapest lights, for any type of light(200w hps - $10)(1000w hps - $25) http://www.1000bulbs.com/200-Watt-HPS/525/ , has anyone else ordered from here?
Yes, the bulbs are cheap. The expensive part of HPS growing isn't buying the bulb, it is the ballast (which usually runs $150+), a cooling fan, a hood/reflector, ducting, etc. HPS isn't like CFL or LED, you can't just plug and go.

edit - The bulbs range from 200-1000w, but normal plugs don't put out that much juice without a regulator. That's what the ballast does. For CFLs and LED, the Ballast is already built in.


Well-Known Member
ive noticed this place has the cheapest lights, for any type of light(200w hps - $10)(1000w hps - $25) http://www.1000bulbs.com/200-Watt-HPS/525/ , has anyone else ordered from here?
Yea I just got some bulbs from them the other day. They deliver on time and speedy. Look man your lights are all realyl dependent on how many plants your growing and the size of your space and the money you can spend. Of course HPS is better than CFL, it doesnt take a expert to know that, but if you dont got the cash you can't buy HPS. But like many poor growers before you, you to can grow a nice herb crop with some cheap CFLs. Really just do a little research on CFL growing first. If your going to buy a HPS, more power to you. HPS are a little easier to grow with and of course you get bigger/better/dense harvest, but with the right lighting placement and fixtures, etc, you can grow good with CFLs too. Just don't waste your money of those stupid LED UFOs or whatever. Maybe I'm bias, f*** it, I really just don't think LEDs are good.

But to your orginal question about those bulbs you have in your hands....yes you can grow with those. Really youd only want to grow one small plant for personal use tho. If your planning a little bigger grow upgrade your lights or get more.