Will they make it?? HELP!


I had 4 sour diesel seeds i was germinating, 2 are already very healthy seedlings while the other 2 still havent come up, i decided to investigate so I VERY carefully uncovered the seeds, the taproots roots had grown some, but both of the tips of the taproots were bent and shriveled, i replanted the one that had a longer taproot and watered the soil really good, the other seed barely has a taproot left, so i put it back into the wet paper towel that i used to germinate, has anyone ever had this happen?!?! Is there any hope or suggestions!?!?


New Member
what bu said , there's always at least 1 runt ,. out of a pack of 10 or so definitely survival of the fittest keep the best ones then keep the rest and flower out to see if you get a keeper remember to to clone them all before or in the 1st week of the flip then mark down witch is witch then you know witch one is a keeper etc


Sucks, because i only have 4 sour d seeds, and those two seedlings are going to be planted outdoors soon, hope they yield good, those two seeds came from hermie plant so im assuming they will be female, RIGHT?? Also, i cant get rooting gel for cloning ANYWHERE, if i can find a way to clone, i wouldnt give two shits about the seeds dying, any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like they may have dried out on you, if this is the case I doubt they will make it. Your real only hope it to put them in a paper towel for a couple days and see if the roots start back up. Its best to keep seedlings in a humidity dome untill they are a couple inches tall.


Active Member
Hi MegaBudz, Im growing a super skunk under 4x 24ish watt CFLs, Shes on her 4th week flowering :) Soo sexy ;) Anyways i snapped 1 of the lowest arms of her (While lst'ing) Obviously wasnt low stress :/ I cut the 2 lowest fan leaves of, cut the stem & plonked it in some soil. No rooting gel. Ive just kept half a 2L bottol over it & shes fine :) Its her second week rooting theres still not much visable growth but aslong as shes heathy ill keep looking after her ;) My point is you dont need all these chemicals. TLC & patients your plants will cherish you ;) Saafe growing bud