Will Third Time Be The Charm For Medical Pot?


Active Member
We're going to be asked to vote on whether to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Again.

Arizonans already have approved its use twice, but because the language was too broad and because the federal Drug Enforcement Administration said it would prosecute any "prescription" under the federal Controlled Substances Act, it hasn't ever gone into effect in our state.

We hope this initiative effort survives the parsing of the language this time and that voters once again approve the use of marijuana for medical reasons.

The National Conference of State Legislatures reports that California was the first of 14 states to legalize its use in 1996. In response, the NCSL reports on its website that "the Institute of Medicine issued a report that examined potential therapeutic uses for marijuana. The report found that: 'Scientific data indicate the potential therapeutic value of cannabinoid drugs, primarily THC, for pain relief, control of nausea and vomiting, and appetite stimulation.' . . . Further studies have found that marijuana is effective in relieving some of the symptoms of HIV/AIDS, cancer, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis."

Let's be honest: Most of us probably know someone who has turned to marijuana as a result of the pain, nausea, loss of appetite and other side effects of cancer treatment. And most of us know that medical marijuana use often was a godsend to these suffering patients.

Arizona voters were right when they first approved its use in a ballot initiative in 1996. We hope they do so again.

According to Capitol Medical Services, the new initiative would allow doctors to recommend (not "prescribe") that patients with certain specific conditions receive a card from the state Department of Health Services authorizing them to buy up to 2 1/2 ounces of marijuana every two weeks from a state-regulated, nonprofit dispensary.

The specific conditions that can be treated would include AIDS, side effects of chemotherapy treatments and chronic pain, Capitol Media Services reported.

The Arizona initiative is spearheaded by the Marijuana Policy Project, a national organization that advocates decriminalizing the possession of the drug, Capitol Media reported. There is no organized opposition so far.

And, for the record, the Obama administration last year sent a memo encouraging federal prosecutors not to prosecute those who distribute marijuana "in accordance with state law," the NCSL website said.

This time, we may get it done. We need to, to assure that patients who are suffering have access to every viable option for treatment.

News Forum: rollitup.org
Source: Arizona Daily Star
Contact: Arizona Daily Star
Copyright: 2010, Arizona Daily Star
Website: http://azstarnet.com/news/opinion/editorial/article_4440b58d-bd89-520a-a797-d1a984909a0b.html
This is by far the worst initiative ever written for medical cannabis.....This initiative reads like it came straight from a Cannabuisness owner's boardroom...You know the one who is going to be making millions running the dispensary....

This initiative is totally discriminatory in the way it singles out only a few of the conditions treatable with cannabis and leaves up to the state what else gets added yeah sure....Nothing will ever get added....

This initiative is totally discriminatory against the poor and ill....You HAVE to buy from the dispensary giving the owner millions of dollars and you CAN'T grow your own....What a nice shot in the arm for that dispensary owner....Unless you live 25 miles away from one then it is a special permit with approval.....Geeez this is a God given plant....For all of Mankind not just a few select with money.....You HAVE to be allowed to grow it yourself....Period....Anything less is discriminatory.....No money no medicine....Give me your money says the dispensary owner....

This initiative violates your God given right to privacy....Reports to the state government along with doses or usage and your name and address.....Geeeeez where did your medical privacy go.....To use a God given plant for your ailments and you have to report to the government when where and how much.....

You know there is some resistance from the conservative elite in Arizona to any legalization but you do not have a bunch of yahoos here either. We know the truth....We know we have been lied to....We know the benefits.....We know about the want for more money by buisness owners.....I know of many non profit organizations with board members earning millions of dollars....I'm not stupid.... We are more educated than MPP wants us to believe....

All I can say is we need medical cannabis in Arizona for the sick....Not just a certain few sick but anyone who can benefit from it's use....That is a patient/doctor decision not the government.....We need privacy in our medical records......The government keeps track of too much of our lives that an invasion into our medical records is intrusive and unconstitutional.....We need to be able to grow for ourselves this God given plant without government intrusion.....All of this IS NOT possible with this Cannabuisness sponsored initiative.....

We need another initiative in Arizona cuz this one sure isn't going to cut it....This one will guarantee high salaries for the dispensary owners....Let me figure this.....Hmmm at $20/gm (what they get in CA at the dispensary) that would be $560/oz. and the limit is 2.5 oz every 2 weeks that would mean that someone who needs the maximum would HAVE TO pay the dispensary $2800/mth for their medicine.....For a weed they should be able to grow for themselves at home.....We only have one shot at this and if this one goes through we will be stuck with it.....This initiative reeks of Cannabusiness influence.......

Too many Arizonians know the benefits of cannabis and are anxious to get something legalized....Well this ain't it.......This will be a shot in the foot for this LONG overdue acceptance of a scientifically proven healer.....This is THE MOST medicinal plant on Earth....Let us not waste our vote on an initiative that will invade our privacy, set limits on WHO can benefit, and line the pockets of the Cannabusiness owner......
