will this charger be good for running fans?


Active Member
Will this charger for my airsoft gun work with a cpu fan? also if you can tell me what voltage of fan this would be fine with that would be nice.


captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
no you should get a 12vdc that has about 800-1200mA output and get a computer fan speed controller,

but if the question is will it work but not preform optimally than the answer is yes. anything over 5v should trun the fan. Hell I had some that would turn at 3.3v. However the lower the voltage the lower the CFM.


Active Member
well i dont want it to run like a maniac i just need some air flow thats all. as long as this will make my fan run pretty good then thats all i need. thanks.


Active Member
Yea i remember those from another one of my threads i was considerign it if nothing else worked. thanks again. also is there a chance i can find those at like a radio shack or wal-mart or some other store like that? just so i dont have to wait for shipping.


Yea i remember those from another one of my threads i was considerign it if nothing else worked. thanks again. also is there a chance i can find those at like a radio shack or wal-mart or some other store like that? just so i dont have to wait for shipping.

They are a very rare item actually. i know of only two places that sell them Newegg and Microcenter.


Might have one near you. I bought mine from a microcenter. its the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you just use a computer power suppl and call it a day

All the 12volt dc you need right there


Active Member
yea i was able toget a 12v power supply from my computer teacher but it has a circle plug should i just cut the wires and match the red and black wires on fan and power supply? also can i wire multiple fans to one copper wire? or will that not work?


Well-Known Member
yea i was able toget a 12v power supply from my computer teacher but it has a circle plug should i just cut the wires and match the red and black wires on fan and power supply? also can i wire multiple fans to one copper wire? or will that not work?
I have never seen a pc computer supply with a circle plug normally they are rectangle either with 20pins or 24 pins

You have to join the green wire and the black wire right next to it so that it will be always on

Also you must have the fans already plugged in before you plug it in

There you all the 12vdc you need


Active Member
yea i was able toget a 12v power supply from my computer teacher but it has a circle plug should i just cut the wires and match the red and black wires on fan and power supply? also can i wire multiple fans to one copper wire? or will that not work?
i found a power supply like yours just laying around, with the circle end, its working with 5 12v computer fans so yeah it does work


Active Member
cool uhh i stripped the wires now i can tie the copper wires but on my power charger both wires are black so i dont no where to tie which wires. like my fan has red and black wires and my charger has 2 black wires. should i test or doesnt matter?


Well-Known Member
cool uhh i stripped the wires now i can tie the copper wires but on my power charger both wires are black so i dont no where to tie which wires. like my fan has red and black wires and my charger has 2 black wires. should i test or doesnt matter?
exactly what type of power supply is this

I could probably find a schematic and tell you whats what


Active Member
exactly what type of power supply is this

I could probably find a schematic and tell you whats what
uhh i got it from my teachers trash pile. it was used for computers in some way or another. its 12v DC output so it is compatible with my fans. but here is a pic of what im talking about.

The black and red wires together are the fan wires. the 2 black wires are the adapter/power supply im using. if this works can you let me no if i will start a fire? im scared of doing it. please help this is the last step of my grow box.



Active Member
i was scared too, but mine are both black wires too. just put them together quickly plug then unplug, if it didnt work, wire them the other way, then try again


Active Member
=) ok i have to go to bed i have to get up early =( but if i cant try it now i ll try it 2marrow when im able to call the FD just incase teehee. so you are POSITIVE it will work one way or antoher? should i use like scotch tape to keep together i have no electrical tape.


Active Member
=) ok i have to go to bed i have to get up early =( but if i cant try it now i ll try it 2marrow when im able to call the FD just incase teehee. so you are POSITIVE it will work one way or antoher? should i use like scotch tape to keep together i have no electrical tape.
that should be fine. twist the ends together like twist ties, then if the wires match, tape it up, other wise its a bitch to untape.


Well-Known Member
why not just skip the 12 volt power supply and just get the PC Fans that are rated for 120 volt at radio shack instead?

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
you can not cause a fire a computer fan will only work in one polarity, if you reverse it it acts like an open circuit. also one might have a white stripe running down it or it will have little white dots. but you will quickly realize whether or not you have it in the right polarity.
twist them and tape them it should be fine. If you are really concerned about fire you can do a couple of things like put the transformer in a pie tin with nothing over it, a baking dish would also work. dont worry heres the rub if anything would catch on fire it would be the fan now while fire will conduct electricity there isnt that much stuff to burn there so most likely it would burn itself out. I woulent worry about this. What i would worry about is the smell you are obviously in school, most likely living at home. you do realize that growing weed smells about 10x stronger dried cured weed.


Active Member
ok thanks for the long response it helped alot captain. yes i no died/cured weed smells 10x stronger but that will not be a problem i will be curing everything in my attic where its cool and basically the smell will escape since everything isnt insulated. also ill be bagging it in my attic before bringing it down so i dont stink up my place =)