will this do for one lil plant

Ok basically in buying some seeds soon I think they were called "the doctor"
I plan on planting one just for me (not to sell)
Will this do I made it cause I ent got much cash atm
I gotta be discreet cause I live with my girlfiends Mom who can't stand the hole pot thing

Thoughts on my mini setup yay or nay

can't upload pics now grrr...
But basically I use a psp for light and its a Lego box (don't ask) with the top cut for the psp to fit and its covered inside with tin foil
Will upload a pic asap


Well-Known Member
No it will not work, and you should respect the wishes of the people who are providing the roof over your head.

You should really wait until you are in a better situation, you will end up harming your relationship and possibly action from the authorities against ALL people living in the residence if things go south.

No it will not work, and you should respect the wishes of the people who are providing the roof over your head.

You should really wait until you are in a better situation, you will end up harming your relationship and possibly action from the authorities against ALL people living in the residence if things go south.

let me explain in not sure if she does defo hate it she has it every now and then U see and I can't just ask her if I can grow pot in her house so I assumed she hates the idea of growing it but she may not care
On a side note how big does the doctor plant grow?


Active Member
psp like you mean the game thing if so wtf do you think your gonna do with that by the sounds of it your not even old enuff to be on here going buy your setup lego box a psp wow


Active Member
yer having a larf so ye are:finger:
Ok basically in buying some seeds soon I think they were called "the doctor"
I plan on planting one just for me (not to sell)
Will this do I made it cause I ent got much cash atm
I gotta be discreet cause I live with my girlfiends Mom who can't stand the hole pot thing

Thoughts on my mini setup yay or nay

can't upload pics now grrr...
But basically I use a psp for light and its a Lego box (don't ask) with the top cut for the psp to fit and its covered inside with tin foil
Will upload a pic asap


Active Member
yeah if i were you id switch out the psp for a gameboy color way better light better yeild to
What about the SP though? Heard you get maximum yield with the newer systems..

but ya you can buy a 6500k light bulb, for 12 dollars. Get a real bulb if anything. The lego box sounds badass though.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should consider the girlfriends mothers thoughts about you growing under her roof.
If she isn't cool with it. Don't do it.
Maybe you can educate her with some facts about Mj. Worth a try yah know.

scotty bagmonster

Active Member
lego box,psp ,and girlfriends moms house = HELL NO !!!!!! Talk with her mom, do not be a punk dont waste your time her time her power or her respect for your ass {what little she has} pop the titty out of your mouth get a job move out get your own place to live AND BE THE KING OF YOUR OWN CASTLE!!!!!!!!
just my lil 2 cents!!!!!!! for now just stick to buying your pot ,when you grow the weed you have to dry and cure it ,and thats when that 1 little plant smells like 6 big ass plants there is no way around that bro. Tell her mom how you respect her and did not want to go behind her back,---If you pay rent and have your legal card to grow and are within the law ,lock your door and make your medicine as that is your business and health .....hope your not just some 16year old and that you make a man decision !!!


Lego grow box ha ha ha damn they starting younger these days? PsP for lights what you using the Led's LOL shifty as. Your best bet would 2 plant a plant out side somewhere hidden in the wild.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
if you do end up growing it i do not think it would be practical. you probably wouldnt get alot of bud if you hve to keep it decreet.