will this explode


the answer is no it wont explode.

now that i have your attention.

i have this rubbermaid cabinet that i wanna transform into a perfect grow room but i am not too sure what is necessary for it to work.

its 2x4x6 and made of plastic.

i was thinking a 400 watt light should be enough. now already with teh fluorecents it gets kinda of hot so i usually leave the door a little open so that the fans inside will some how cool the air. would i need one of those duct fans?

im trying to do this all like homebrew. so im making my own light with those light kits, then came the question if i should use an inline fan + hood. i dont mind drilling a 4" hole on the side for intake/exhaust.

will this work



Fallen Buckshot

should work .. i wish i had one to chop/mod for growing


Well-Known Member
it looks like it will work near perfectly man. i also wish i had a cabinet like this to work with. you probly do want some kind of exhaust, unless you want to suffocate your plants or have your house wreak of buds in the flower stage. figure out your exhaust and throw up some reflectors