Will this fan work for my filter

goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
Wanna make a DIY carbon filter...
If I rig a cardboard/ductape front with hole for carbon filter onto a box fan would that work?
Assuming I can get it taped good my plan was to have a trap of some sort and direct the air to a hole in the center so the cardboard should fit like this [ in front of the fan with a hole for a larger DIY Carbon filter
I know it's ghetto but seems like it would work seeing as the box fan is already my exhaust fan
Pics would be helpful I'm sure but just looking for some advice I'm probably gonna try it either way and can post my results
Basically I made a styrofoam wall and use a standard box fan as the bottom of the wall and as an exhaust fan
It does a good job as far as temps go and between the box/exhaust fan a 6" oscilating fan and a cheap 4" squirrel fan and a window unit fitted with PVC running into grow area
My temps are finally where they need to be...
Used to not run any filtration as stealth was unnecessary and now it is
Think my idea will work?? seems genius idk anyone can make the filter but everyone tries to get outta buying a 100 dollar fan
On high the box fan is plenty powerful..not sure of the cfms but I know it moves some air
They def were t meant to be used like this idk if it will even be effective once the cardboard trap and filter are installed but its worth a shot... Maybe ill have to make ANOTHEr DIY carbon filter thread


New Member
It may if you do it correctly. I have never tried but my father had a rig similar but I can't ask him how he did it, as he died 2 months ago.