Will this heat sig tip off the cops? Please help!


Well-Known Member
should they put anything else over the windows besides panda film for better insulation so the FLIR wont be able to pick it up?

sensi ganja

im pretty sure they cannot see through things like brick or black shingles during the summer during the day, too much heat, they would easily block out the lower temperatures of the grow room. winter may be another story though, mostly they catch you by observing your exaust fans, to them it looks like a waterfall of heat pouring out if they use infrared (heat) cameras. most do not carry this but, if they use EMP (electro magnetic pulse) sensors then you are boned, they will see the amount of electro magnetic energy coming from your attic or wherever you grow, it will look like glowing blue circles coming from each light


Well-Known Member
here in az there was a big sized bust because the guy was hanging with the wrong people and they followed the guy back home. I guess he sold some to a gangster that was wanted by the cops. keep your nose clean and don't shit where you eat and you will be fine


Order a Discount Hydro catalog, (Riverside, California), and look at the pic's taken by the 6K camera they have for sale. Any police department can afford one. Get some of the IR block and make sure every possible angle is covered. A little pricy but what the hell?


Active Member
POLICE here ( detroit/ metro) around me have been looking for quote " Drawn shades, houses that don't look "lived in" multiple air conditioning units and arial heat signatures"