Will This Heating Pad Be Enough Heat For My Clones to Take RooT?


Well-Known Member
yes it should be more than enough. I used an aquarim heating pad when i started. (funny that pot growers can get so much usefull shit in an aquarium shop)

Make sure you dont let it get to close or it will fuck up your clones. Remember it dosnt have to be HOT only warm


New Member
I tryed one of those once and it killed all my clones. You better let it heat up first and see how hot it gets. It only needs to be 10 to 20 deg above air temp. If its too hot try puting towel's over it let warm up again and check again. If you let your clones or sprouts tell you they might tell you by dying. Good luck. By the way you can get a real sprout mat made for hydo on ebay for about $15.00


Well-Known Member
i thought it was not hot enough. but it does only run for two hours strait before automaticly turning off


New Member
You can get that real sprouting mat shipped for $15 on ebay. I have been doing the same as you with a heating pad I ordered mine yesterday.


Ive never had to use a heating pad to root clones unless your room is super cold. What type of rooting hormone are you using and what type of environment do you have for them.? Its all about the Dip N Grow!!!


New Member
Ive never had to use a heating pad to root clones unless your room is super cold. What type of rooting hormone are you using and what type of environment do you have for them.? Its all about the Dip N Grow!!!

see thats what i thought iv never heard of anything like this....so this is all new to me...i wanna know how well it works and if it works well ima try it lol


Well-Known Member
Ive never had to use a heating pad to root clones unless your room is super cold. What type of rooting hormone are you using and what type of environment do you have for them.? Its all about the Dip N Grow!!!
Take Root powder, from walmart


Try using Dip N Grow rooting hormone. Use the product along with rockwell cubes or peat pellets and I have 100% success rate rooting clones without heating pads or anything fancy. I just use small rubbermaid clear tubs as my cloning environment. I will use the lid as the base and just lift the tub off the clones to wipe out and clean once a day and then spray with a mister spray bottle. I can stack these tubs and root hundreds of clones this way.


New Member
Try using Dip N Grow rooting hormone. Use the product along with rockwell cubes or peat pellets and I have 100% success rate rooting clones without heating pads or anything fancy. I just use small rubbermaid clear tubs as my cloning environment. I will use the lid as the base and just lift the tub off the clones to wipe out and clean once a day and then spray with a mister spray bottle. I can stack these tubs and root hundreds of clones this way.

it works hes right try this before using that heat pad


i bought this SunBeam heat pad from wal-mart:hump:, im wondering can this produce the heat needed for fast rooting for clones and seedlings???:confused:

Thanks in advance!!!:hug::hug::hug:
As long as it supplies 5 degrees more heat than its air temperature, then you're doing great!