will this light work?


Well-Known Member
instead of that crap just go to home depot..buy one of the clamp lights with the sliver dome..buy a light socket splitter or "y"..take that crappy silver dome off, screw in the "y" get yourself two CFLs 6500K blue spectrum for veg, and get the 2400K warm spectrum for flower..the more lights the better! get the highest wattage possible


Active Member
ok, I will take it back. I was looking for something easy and cheap. I am going to move the 600w to 12/12 today, but one of the plants wasnt quite ready.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Go to home depot, buy those clamp lights, a couple power strips, A couple plug in light sockets, a couple Y splitters and configure somthing. Its quite easy and cheap


Well-Known Member
ok, I will take it back. I was looking for something easy and cheap. I am going to move the 600w to 12/12 today, but one of the plants wasnt quite ready.
hey if all you're doing is one plant and you already got the thing then use it on the one plant and stick in the flowering room when the light is on 'till it's big enough. But the other suggestions are a better long term solution if you go perpetual growing.