Will This Lighting Change screw my Plants up ?


Well-Known Member
I have some plants vegging indoors...Lights are on from 4pm to 10 am.....

At 7am this morning they are going into the trunk of my car for stealth reasons.....So it will be lights out for them obviously.....

I am taking them around 7pm to plant them outside.....

So in a nutshell they usually go off at 10 am and on at 4pm....

Instead today they will go off at 7am and on at 7pm....So there will be like an hour of daylight or so before it will be nighttime again...So it will be lights out for almost a full day with like an hour or two of daylight in the middle...... ....

Once they get get going outside we are getting about 15 hours of daylight each day now....

Will this herm them or anything ? Or will I be ok ?

thanks, SC


Well-Known Member
I just thought my other option could be to take them out of the grow cabinet they are in, and put them under a few cfl's in the cellar....so instead of lights off it would be pretty much lights on straight through....

in this case in would be lights straight though....about an hour off....then back on for 2 hours (real outdoor light) before going to nighttime and regular sun times....

which option do you guys think ? the first or the second ?


Well-Known Member
ok figured it out...tossed them under a temp grow room in the cellar....have to love those cfl extenders and splitters....

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