will this root clones? pic


Well-Known Member
Reason: My answer makes pubescent children go into rage fits. I obviously do not know what I am talking about and you should listen to those who still live with their mother.

(not directed at the OP)


Well-Known Member
Shut the fuck up all of you! Don't listen to them I just rooted 4 clones in a gatorade bottle with a air pump and hose going to the bottom no rooting hormone no bucket cloner all you need is moisture and light your setup should work as long as you have the light and the moisture which you do it might take longer but it should work.


Well-Known Member
And one more thing make sure no light gets to the end of the cutting light will kill the roots or in this case stop them from growing.


Well-Known Member
Shut the fuck up all of you! .
What is with all the pubescent rages going on this week (even more so than normal)?

You kids should definitely masturbate before visiting these(or any) forums. It will make you less...umm..."ragey".


Well-Known Member
What is with all the pubescent rages going on this week (even more so than normal)?

You kids should definitely masturbate before visiting these(or any) forums. It will make you less...umm..."ragey".
sorry if I came off that way I'm just sick of people giving advice on topics they don't know. With people telling him that his method won't work that haven't even tried it while I have and it worked gets me angry.


Well-Known Member
sorry if I came off that way I'm just sick of people giving advice on topics they don't know. With people telling him that his method won't work that haven't even tried it while I have and it worked gets me angry.

I've tried it slick. I give it 50/50 chance it will work. I've also rooted flowering cuttings and they grow like bushes.

I've rooted salvia plants in glasses of water with no airstone. So yea it "can" work, if you want to to work everytime, pick a better method. Algae will grow that way, rot occurs that way, so it a race to see what happens first.

Bucket cloner works better and you dont need a stupid humidity dome, but I'm glad you know everything.


Well-Known Member
k the cuttings have been moved up so just the bubbles are hitting them. the waters kinda cold though which sucks...

i have cloned a mint plant by putting it in a jar slightly above water and swirled it / bubbled it with a straw for a week just to see if it would work.

so word ^

the rooted areas are exposed to light atm, gonna have to see that gets fixed