Will this seed sort itself out or do I need to turn it?


Still no visible growth not sure why. Maybe root riot too wet.

Res temp: 21.8 (18.4 yest)
pH: 6.11 (increased since yest)
EC: can’t remember exact but decreased
PPM: as above



What a day...been concerned about res temps all day. They were around 71-72 (assuming my TDS/temp meter is fully accurate - I'm not sure it is)...

Then I've just started to smell a mild whiffy smell from the res - possibly the beginnings of root rot, even though I don't have any visible roots.

Possible causes of this are:
1) Res temps
2) Pathogens getting into the res from me being in there
3) Unclean materials (hydroton, airstones etc, even though I boiled them prior)
4) Root riots too wet (until yesterday when I removed all the hydroton, squeezed them out and replanted them)
5) Not leaving a gap of air in between net pots and water (even though that was recommended for plugs without roots showing)

I've now placed a fan over the air pump (outside of the tent) to cool that down, since I believe the warmth of that was a cause of the heated res temps.

Since they're probably going to die anyway, I just plonked a capful of bleach into the res (it probably won't work, but it was worth a try seeing as leaving them overnight would have definitely killed them.

If this does die, I'm doing Coco. I can't be arsed with all of this shit again. There's too much conflicting information out there and I spend most of my time scouring the internet for advice.


Active Member
What a day...been concerned about res temps all day. They were around 71-72 (assuming my TDS/temp meter is fully accurate - I'm not sure it is)...

Then I've just started to smell a mild whiffy smell from the res - possibly the beginnings of root rot, even though I don't have any visible roots.

Possible causes of this are:
1) Res temps
2) Pathogens getting into the res from me being in there
3) Unclean materials (hydroton, airstones etc, even though I boiled them prior)
4) Root riots too wet (until yesterday when I removed all the hydroton, squeezed them out and replanted them)
5) Not leaving a gap of air in between net pots and water (even though that was recommended for plugs without roots showing)

I've now placed a fan over the air pump (outside of the tent) to cool that down, since I believe the warmth of that was a cause of the heated res temps.

Since they're probably going to die anyway, I just plonked a capful of bleach into the res (it probably won't work, but it was worth a try seeing as leaving them overnight would have definitely killed them.

If this does die, I'm doing Coco. I can't be arsed with all of this shit again. There's too much conflicting information out there and I spend most of my time scouring the internet for advice.
Did your plants die?


Well-Known Member
What a day...been concerned about res temps all day. They were around 71-72 (assuming my TDS/temp meter is fully accurate - I'm not sure it is)...

Then I've just started to smell a mild whiffy smell from the res - possibly the beginnings of root rot, even though I don't have any visible roots.

Possible causes of this are:
1) Res temps
2) Pathogens getting into the res from me being in there
3) Unclean materials (hydroton, airstones etc, even though I boiled them prior)
4) Root riots too wet (until yesterday when I removed all the hydroton, squeezed them out and replanted them)
5) Not leaving a gap of air in between net pots and water (even though that was recommended for plugs without roots showing)

I've now placed a fan over the air pump (outside of the tent) to cool that down, since I believe the warmth of that was a cause of the heated res temps.

Since they're probably going to die anyway, I just plonked a capful of bleach into the res (it probably won't work, but it was worth a try seeing as leaving them overnight would have definitely killed them.

If this does die, I'm doing Coco. I can't be arsed with all of this shit again. There's too much conflicting information out there and I spend most of my time scouring the internet for advice.
do your self a favor....use living soil and just feed straight water m....nothing easier than that, you can just buy bagged living soil and just ad water and you will have a successful grow, just cut the bagged soil at about 1/3-1/4 for after a seedling starts,once its a decent size in a beer cup transplant to big pot with full strength soil and your good to go, might just need a top dress in flower
but it's pretty easy, just soil and tap water doesn't get any less complicated than that


Well-Known Member
I had one flip on me a few weeks ago. Root poked out the top about half an inch. Opened up the rapid rooter and flipped her around sprout leaves had already formed. She's alive but growth is very slow. All three of these were started at the same time.

