Will this strain work well for a true Sea of Green - 40+ Plants Under Each 4X4 Tray


Well-Known Member
I don't run SOG but I really wanna give it a shot here soon. My genetics are Sour Diesel... wonderful phenos to this strain, it's by far the best SD I was able to find.

Some details about the SD I work with:

--I've grown 3.5 - 4 foot plants in 3\4 gallon pots with these genes and they don't mind it in the least - in fact I have a friend who has grown 5 to 5.5 foot plants in 3\4 gallons with this Diesel, no root problems at all. I would have to imagine this helps for a SOG method - I could logistically use 1\2 gallon pots ... pack an ass load of them in there and just grow them to maybe two feet tops... flower around 7-8 inches.

--It vegges quick, and doubles in size during flowering easily.

--Branchy, tall, good development on secondary shoots... the main stalk gets a nice up and down cola

I know people typically use an Indica for a true SOG where you pack in as many plants as you can in your tray but I think my SD though sativa dom. would work just fine. Do you guys agree?

Would the tray just become too damn crowded during flowering because it's a branchy strain? I would think packing 40 or so into the 4X4 tray would work fine, no? Even if you only got 12 grams per plant at 40 plants per 4X4 you'd still yield a pound per 4X4 space. I think I can put more than forty in there, and yield closer to a half zip per plant.

Do you guys know of any Logs for Sea of Green grows with a sativa dominant strain? My main concerns are over crowding because of the side branches but I think it'd work out okay... would love to read about some of your experiences.


Well-Known Member
I would be using SunShine#4 mixed with over 1\3 perlite. I have some pots laying around I was looking at that appear to be 1\2 gallons, they are about six inches wide squares so if I used those I could only fit 32 and that would be putting the pots directly next to each other... this strain may need a bit of space between the pots so would it be wider to go even smaller pots in terms of width?


Well-Known Member
I'm highly interested in this as well. For my next grow I'm gonna switch to an ebb n flow table and was considering growing Sour D as well.

I haven't done SOG before, but I imagine that the same principles apply whether it's an indica or sativa; trim lateral growth (a total of about the lower 1/3 of the plant) just before flower, and then again a week or two after switching to 12/12. You'll no doubt force more vertical growth this way, but with a SOG setup it is key to flower while the plants are still short. This is especially true for sativas and sativa dominant plants.

Please, if you try this, make a journal so that we can all follow along!



Well-Known Member
Never claimed to be a mathematician...I could fit 64 under the 4X4 because four plants six inches wide and long make up a square foot...yes?


Well-Known Member
I'm highly interested in this as well. For my next grow I'm gonna switch to an ebb n flow table and was considering growing Sour D as well.

I haven't done SOG before, but I imagine that the same principles apply whether it's an indica or sativa; trim lateral growth (a total of about the lower 1/3 of the plant) just before flower, and then again a week or two after switching to 12/12. You'll no doubt force more vertical growth this way, but with a SOG setup it is key to flower while the plants are still short. This is especially true for sativas and sativa dominant plants.

Please, if you try this, make a journal so that we can all follow along!

I trim off the lower 1\3+ currently with my growing methods with Sour D and it works just fine so I would think I'd take more like the bottom half off in a SOG method.

I would imagine the trim work getting the bottoms off several times during flower, maybe once after a week and then again a week or two later would require alot of work since things are so packed in together. Does a SOG make for more work in general? I have limited "walk around" space around my trays...I can do it but if I'm gonna be jammed against the wall for hours upon hours it may not be worth it to me to switch methods as my current method is working fine.

Just the idea of having only colas is very appealing to me, and because I have short ceilings I think my room is better suited for a SOG. I currently have my plants on the ground and it makes it difficult to flush etc.


Well-Known Member
Another concern I would have is if the plants would need to be staked up... I currently do need to stake them up most of the time but I'm also growing them much taller and lots more weight to them.

Even still, I could see short 2 footers needing to be staked if they pack on some weight which we're obviously lookin for. I think having wiring above them to pull the shoots through and hold them up would simply be too much work with that volume of plants in a small area.


Well-Known Member
Well, like I said, I've not grown SOG before so you may be right about the extra trim work. I would think that you might even be able to remove all lateral branches in order to produce one big cola. If it were me doing this though, I would be sure to leave all of the big fan leaves attached so as not to seriously impede the plants' ability to produce a nice fat cola. Hopefully a SOG expert will come on here and spread some knowledge :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
You'll be fine, you'll just have to play with how short of a veg time is best. Zero to a couple weeks veg is about all you could manage is my guess before they all overcrowd eachother. I'd start with zero veg and work from there.


Well-Known Member
Zero veg sounds a little bit aggresive, could they hermie if you throw them into a new home and induce flower like immediately? I know people have done it, just seems risky. I was thinking more like 4-5 days of settlin in the new home then force flower them bitches


Well-Known Member

Getting close to time to take cuts, what do you guys think? I can pull close to a pound per 1000 watt lamp growing 1 per square foot and vegging them for 10-12 days (18 or so inches) but I'm curious if a SOG format with this strain could produce pound+ per lamp. Give me your past experiences, I see other people are interested in hearing about a SOG grown with a sativa... I'm sure some of you guys have tried it out!