Will this work for adequately cooling my room?


Active Member
I was just cleaning out the tool shed (its a big shed) that I plan to grow in and I am going to seal up off a 4ft wide, 10ft long area with plywood, plastic, the whole shebang.

Anyways I bought a 400w (The room will be divided into 2 sections, so the grow area is the right size for the light to work well) for my grow room and It has a cool tube but I cannot afford the fan yet and even then I might still need an extra boost. Well as I was cleaning I came across a swamper (portable air conditioner) I used when I lived in arizona. It cools extremely well, has a digital thermometer and automatically collects the moisture etc etc.

So if I rig this up it should cool down my grow room enough to appease my ladies, right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah but dude, you can get a 20 dollar inline duct booster fan at home depot and problem solved. If you spent the money for a tube to extract the heat it should be doing that.


Well-Known Member
Look by the bathroom fans at Home Depot and you will find the In-line duct fans. The 6 inch is cheap and moves a descent amount of air.

Is the shed in the sun or shade? How high do the temps get during the day without the grow lights on? If you are in the sun and it is the kind of shed I am thinking of, then you will need some sort of cooling besides a cool tube. I think ventilation is the key to a stealth grow. Lights are easy, but controlling the temps is not. Always go bigger than you think with CFM. I like S&P Mixvent series duct fans as they are quiet, reasonably priced and they move alot of air. Way better than those cheap ass HD Duct fans.


Active Member
Its a large shed, 10x22x16 and I am boxing in a fraction of that, like 10x5 maybe and only 5x5 will have light. The shed is in the woods covered by large trees and foliage in the shade. Its usually decently cool and only on the hottest days warm.

I will check out home depot this weekend.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Doesn't sound like noise will be an issue out in the woods so go as big as you can for a venting fan.


Active Member
I like S&P Mixvent series duct fans as they are quiet, reasonably priced and they move alot of air. Way better than those cheap ass HD Duct fans.
I'm having one of these fans (the 150) shipped to me. As far as power, will I just need to get a plug adapter from Home Depot/Lowes and hook up the three wires? Is there anything more advanced that I'm not thinking of?