Will this work for leaf spot fungis?


Well-Known Member
hey, i need your guy's expertise on this one. im noticing a few spots of lsf and im wondering how to go about treating it? the plant is 3 weeks old.

i found some stuff at my local hardware store im wondering if you could tell me if it will work. it says to treat leaf spot fungis but i figured id check here just to be safe before buying it.

here's also what it says about it:


  • Bordo Copper Spray
  • An improved copper fungicide
  • Versatile - use it on fruit tree, ornamentals, vegetables, flowers
  • Controls leaf spots, blights, anthracnose, downy and powdery mildew, black spot
  • Readily mixes in water for spray application
  • 53% Tribasic Copper Sulphate


Well-Known Member
at the moment no, i have no detailed pics and im not really 100% positive but im pretty sure thats what it is. ive done some reading about it and it's all the same stuff that's described. it looks identical in comparison to other plants that ive seen pictures of with it & it also starts as a tiny rust spot then quickly spreads up the leaf and to any other leaves that it comes in contact with.


Active Member
If it's "rust spots", "white mildew" or "black spots" use it. The copper will kill the fungus. Just don't go over board.


Well-Known Member
yea, i gave it a spray last night. it says to use once a week so hopefully after a cpl sprays it'll be fine. i know all the leaves that were infected, after i sprayed them they all wilted so im assuming it's working as it didn't affect the new green growth at all, just the stuff that was already dying.


Active Member
yea, i gave it a spray last night. it says to use once a week so hopefully after a cpl sprays it'll be fine. i know all the leaves that were infected, after i sprayed them they all wilted so im assuming it's working as it didn't affect the new green growth at all, just the stuff that was already dying.
I use an organic spray that uses sulfer. When I spray the leaves dry very quickly. I do it as a preventative on my new plants.


Well-Known Member
does anyone know how long it would take for the fungus to die off or should it of died with the first spray? cause i sprayed the plant, the infected leaves wilted so i removed the infected parts but im still noticin the odd tiny pin mark popping up on 1 of the new leaves. so now im kinda wondering does this take a bit to get rid of or am i maybe having an mg issue that i thought was fungus?

ill try and post a few pics in a bit although i dunno if you'd really be able to tell much after removing all the dead parts.


Well-Known Member
Well it would go a lot quicker if you found some way of adding ventilation to your area. Also adding perlite or topping off with fresh soil can help your fungus problems after you treat it. Thats why I reccomend Sunshine Mix #4. Its sphagnum peat moss and perlite at its best so you get fast draining and great fungus resistence because its a soil-less media.