will this work o.0


i started off by putting a 1g nug of prem weed in the oven at 250f for 8 mins untill it broke up in my fingers i then put it on the stove in 2 tbsp of cannola oil and its been on min for about a half hour i keep stirring it its turning really honey colour liek and smells really good anyone think this is going to be any good? i plan on keeping it on for about another hour? then putting it on some toast. anyone think this will be good?


Well-Known Member
THC vaporizes at 392°F I don't know what makes you think he cooked all the THC out of his bud


Well-Known Member
THC vaporizes at 392°F I don't know what makes you think he cooked all the THC out of his bud

A slow dry is the only way to go... But, I have been known to microwave a piece of freshly picked bud on a piece of toilet paper/napkin for 30 seconds.. works ;-)

allen bud

Active Member
i make butter alot and from my experiance you dont have to dry it ,but 2 hours or so going to make it nice !!next time try (for a small batch ) 1 stick butter (no salt) 4 cup water and 1/4ounce bud and all yer stems laying around .lol..realy ..any way boil water add butter bring to boil add ground buds (run through grinder real good) mix well and keep near boiling and mix often for 2 to 4 hours ..i like 3 hours or till most water is boiled off strain through cheese cloth or new hanky somthing porous but not to much so. strain into holding container let sit for 5 or 6 hours or over night . seporate butter from leftover water and butter your beagel !!yup beagel with cannabutter mmmmmmmm so high