Will this work - please respond...


Active Member
carbonated water (club soda) is great for plants i use it at least three times weekly i try to do a happy medium and not over due it. good to mist them with it right when lights go out the leaves suck it right in and yes it gives them co2 however i would not use as primary source of food go solid with some distilled water with the ph settings of your likings! =) but yes its really good works as tank if you cant afford one with lining to suround your grow lol well hope this helped happy grows it! =) Smoke =One!!


Well-Known Member
the plant gets co2 threw the leafs not the roots. and it is basic soda water and soda will take your ph up.
So like he said, so its good to spray the leaves with it then?
I tried the bubbly water back when I was first trying out. Got the tip out those "I Grow Chronic" tutorial videos. So I did it for about 3 weeks and didn't really see any major visible benefits. I then realized (the hard way cause I never used to test) that I was upping my ph and hurting my plants.

A cheap solution that I have tried in the past that didn't risk hurting my plants was a simple fermentation CO2 reactor. You take like half a teaspoon of yeast and put it in a two liter bottle. Then fill the bottle 1/3 of the way or better with sugar and then fill it the rest of the way with water.
Then ya just put a small hole in the cap big enough to fit a piece of aquarium air line into. Be sure and seal this line into the cap with some silicone. All thats left after that is to put the other end of that line behind an intake fan, or a fan inside your grow, so that the fan can circulate the co2 gas in the direction of your plants.

As the yeast attacks the sugar, it gives off CO2 as a byproduct of fermentation. After 3-4 days I just give the bottle a little shake to stir the mixture. The mixture will last 2-4 weeks. I usually would either change it out or add more yeast and sugar to it every 3 weeks or so. If you want a precise measurement you can pick up a co2 meter at your garden store for cheapish (nice vague relative term) that can measure the gas/air ratio by ppm (parts per million).

You can adapt this design. I seen people use passive check valves, or run the bottle line to an empty bottle then to the grow so it builds in the empty and is more concentrated upon release. OR run the line into a small water chamber for a perculated setup. If you put a balloon over the bottle instead of a cap and airline, it can fill with CO2 that can then slowly feed back into the liquid mixture causing carbination. I used this technique to make homemade sparkling shine wine, but that has nothing to to with weed so I'll stop there.

If anyone has any questions on design or construction they can pm me, and be sure to check out my grow!!!! I have plants in a few different stages of flower and a brand new crop for veg thats germinating rt now. Good Luck/Great question, stay lit:joint::leaf::peace:


Active Member
just another thing to control the ph you can use carbonated just spray and if you notice up in ph just put some vinegar in the water when feeding it will reduce ph but all advice is good plus rep for this thread =) good information and amazing question cus co2 is deff good for them and has been proven in studies with varies of plants. and one with co2 always comes out on top =) well happy grow fo sho lol Smoke =One!! lmao