ive done a few successful grows using HIDs, i just wanted to see if anyone had any success out there using CFLs as it will reduce costs a lot. Has anyone heard of or tried using the new UFO LED lights i heard good things about them
Thats cool. I think you're questions from before can still be answered by those links though
Also if you do a quick search on RUI using keywords like "CFL" you'll find an overwhelming amount of info on them and probably plenty of answers to your yield questions. There are some growers on here that are really pulling some weight with just cfls. It's all about the needs of your growing situation.
Same thing for the LED UFO's, a quick search on here will give you a wealth of info and experienced posts.
To give you a quick response about the leds. They're alright... i mean i've seen spectacular grows with them and i've seen rather mediocre grows with them. Their deal seems to be if you can pack enough of them into your grow space with some other supplemental lighting, or just use them as supplemental lighting you can grow a decent amount. However when used purely on their own leds in general don't pack enough of a punch yet. You end up with spindly weak looking growth and next to nothing in the bud department. Don't get me wrong led's will get there, just not yet.
BTW you will probably find the same question and relatively the same answers on many other threads when you do your search. If you're really interested in leds you'll look up the luxion star leds and build your own custom array.
GL, hope this was more helpful.